Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement
Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Return to Items for Decision

Division(s): Burford & Carterton NE, Otmoor & Kirtlington




Report by Director for Children, Young People & Families


1.                  The County Council has received applications from two schools to open nursery classes from September 2007.  This report is in two parts.  Part 1 deals with the application and recommendation related to Burford Primary School and the Part 2 relates to the application from Charlton-on-Otmoor Primary School.

Copies of all paperwork related to these applications are available from

Maggie Smith ( , tel: 01865 428096) or Janine Foulkes-Williams ( tel: 01865 249450).

Part 1: Burford Primary School


2.                  The proposal is to open a nursery class for 15 four year olds and 15 three year olds some of whom will attend part time. If there is sufficient interest the School will look into the viability of offering wraparound care.  The current number of children on the school roll is 75.  The admission number for the School is 15.  However over recent years, since 2004, the actual number of children applying for a place has been lower at between 4 and 10.  The school came out of the Ofsted category of Special Measures in July 2005 which had identified underachievement in the Early Years. The School believes that its progress in addressing the weaknesses will be reflected in higher numbers of parents requesting a place at the School in the future and that admitting younger children will also boost their popularity.

3.                  At the present time there are likely to be fifteen 4 year old children starting at the School in September 2007.

Quality and Premises Issues

4.                  The report carried out by the Senior Advisory Teacher is positive and recognizes the benefits of the current Head Teacher’s Early Years expertise. An extra teacher would need to be employed to job share with the Head Teacher in this new class.

5.                  The premises report indicates that the School has sufficient capital funding to develop the proposed alterations to the accommodation which will then meet the space requirements for both indoors and outdoors for the anticipated number of Foundation Stage children. There will be sufficient toilets.

Financial Issues

6.                  This report raises concerns over the sustainability of this venture. While the Head teacher feels the School is well placed to expand there is a risk that if this doesn’t happen the budget will not support this proposal. However the School is demonstrating a gradual trend in growing numbers since coming out of special measures in July 2005. However at present, there is no surplus budget available to accommodate any variations in the plans put forward for this new nursery class. The plan relies on the predicted pupil numbers put forward in the proposal that may be optimistic based on the past few years. The local Pre School is not full either.  The budget put forward allows for a basic grade teacher with a maximum of three years experience and would require the Headteacher to teach 2 days per week in the nursery class as well as covering teacher absence throughout the School.  The finance officer therefore concludes that this proposal could put the School in a vulnerable position financially.

Responses from Informal Consultation

7.                  The School held a consultation evening, sent out letters to local providers and held a meeting for parents. The local Pre School which has operated for over 40 years and has developed its provision has attended all meetings and has sent a written response to the school and the Local Authority raising its objections. The Pre School suggests that this development would seriously put them at risk of closure as it would directly compete for the same children. It currently offers places for children younger than 3 years old so this service for parents could be lost. The Pre School received a good Ofsted report and operates in its own building up the hill from the Primary School. It states that it would like to develop a stronger partnership with the School and build good links,  which would be of benefit to both children and parents.  Copies of the consultation responses have been placed in the Members’ Resource Centre.

Summary and Risk Assessment

8.                  Taking into account the uncertainty of pupil numbers and therefore the delicate financial position of the school, together with the concerns raised by the Pre School, there is a risk that the School will struggle to be able to maintain this provision. However the Head Teacher has worked very hard to bring the School out of Special Measures and in so doing, she has been successful in raising standards of teaching and learning and therefore in attracting families back to the School. The Headteacher and governors are committed to making this project a success and further developing its potential.

Part 2: Charlton–on–Otmoor Primary School


9.                  The proposal from this School is to admit younger children from the age of 3 years who are currently on the Pre School roll within the School building. This situation has arisen as the Pre School has been unable to maintain a committee and the necessary staffing over the past year. They are managing to keep the Pre School open but have asked the School Governors and Head Teacher to take over the responsibility from them from September 2007. At the present time they operate as a Partnership Foundation Stage Unit and work together sharing staff and resources. There are currently 26 children attending each of the two half day sessions.

Quality and Premises Issues

10.             The School has just lost its Foundation Stage teacher but will be recruiting for September. The advisory teacher’s report is positive and highlights good staffing ratios and facilities and a sound understanding of the needs of young children. They are well placed to develop further. The recent Ofsted report concluded that the Foundation Stage in the School is ‘good’.

11.             The children will remain in the same room as they are currently accommodated in. This space is of sufficient size to accommodate the number of children already there and this will remain the same. The outdoor garden is fenced and there is a covered area. There are sufficient toilets in place.

Financial Assessment and Staffing Issues

12.             The School Finance Officer has confirmed that at the present time the School can afford to recruit support staff for the new class. The staff currently employed by the Pre School will transfer to work in the school under T.U.P.E arrangements. The school already employs the Foundation Stage teacher.

Informal Consultation

13.             All the required consultations have been carried out and this indicated that there is complete support from the community, local providers and parents.  Copies of the consultation responses have been placed in the Members’ Resource Centre.

Summary and Risk Assessment

14.             None of the reports completed for this proposal have raised concerns and there is wholehearted support from the local community. With the proposed closure of the Pre School due to its difficulties in maintaining a committee there will be a loss of places for three and four year olds which will then be offered to such children if the School is successful in this application.


15.             The Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement is RECOMMENDED to note the risk assessments for both projects and consider whether to support the publication of statutory notices for opening nursery classes at Burford and Charlton-on-Otmoor Primary Schools.

(Statement of Decision)

Director for Children Young People &  Families

Background papers:            Consultation Response from Burford Pre-School

Contact Officer:                     Maggie Smith Early Years and Childcare Adviser Tel: 01865 428096

March 2007 

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