Issue details

Proposed 24hr Exemption for Hackney & Private Hire Vehicles through Westgate Bus Link, Oxford

On completion of Westgate development, taxis and PHVs were originally not allowed in the bus link. Following lobbying by COLTA, an ETRO was agreed to allow HCVs and PHVs to use the bus link (without pick up/drop) off 7am-7pm. This was subsequently made permanent. COLTA have continued to lobby to allow access 24 hours a day. Cabinet Member is keen for us to consult on this proposal (permanent TRO).

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/04/2024

Explanation of anticipated restriction:

Decision due: 5 Sep 2024 by Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Transport Management

Lead director: Corporate Director Environment & Place

Contact: Craig Rossington, Senior Transport Planner Email: Tel: 07880 945891.

Plan Reference: 2024/101

Reason No Public Access: None

Agenda items