Issue - decisions

Bus Services Contracts Autumn 2024

25/04/2024 - Bus Services Contracts Autumn 2024

The Chair welcomed all attendees to the meeting and introduced the item.


The report detailed plans for procurement processes to secure new and continued bus service provision in Didcot, Oxford and West Oxfordshire, aiming to improve services linked to the introduction of the Oxford Traffic Filters trial scheme.


The Chair emphasised that the decision was a technical one surrounding the procurement process and the acceptance of money from various sources, rather than the detailed design of the scheme.  


The Chair commented that it was a good example of partnership working with the bus operators and also of officers using the resources available to deliver high quality services.


The Chair noted that the report was a good example of policies working in conjunction with one another, citing the references to how the services would link in with the Oxford Traffic Filters trial scheme.


Continuing, the Chair stated that better bus services are apparent with more space on the roads and that can be done by reducing congestion on roads.


The Chair welcomed the proposed ‘600’ and ‘H2’ services that incorporated the John Radcliffe Hospital and noted that they would be well-used providing better connectivity to the hospitals in Oxford.


The Chair thanked officers for their work and agreed to the recommendations in the report.




a)    Approve a procurement process to secure new and continued bus service provision in Didcot, Oxford and West Oxfordshire;


b)    Approve use of surplus ENCTS and LABSG for new contracts as detailed in Annex A; and


c)    Delegate approval of final contract awards, and the use of ENCTS and LABSG on additional services as necessary, to the Director of Transport & Infrastructure.