Agenda item

Alteration of Upper Age Limit at Icknield Community College, Watlington

Forward Plan Ref: 2014/110

Contact: Diane Cameron, School Organisation Officer Tel: (01865) 816445


Report by Director for Children’s Services (CMDCEF4).


This proposal is led by the Governing Body of Icknield Community College. The proposal is to establish a Sixth Form at the College from September 2015.


A consultation and a statutory notice period have now run their course and this report summarises the procedure followed and outcomes of it.


In order to do so, the College's upper age limit must be altered from 16 to 19. This requires a decision to be made by Cabinet Member for Children, Education & Families acting for the Local Authority.


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to approve the extension of the age range at Icknield Community College to include post-16 provision.



Supporting documents: