Agenda and minutes

Supporting People Commissioning Body - Friday, 26 March 2010 10.30 am

Venue: County hall, Oxford, OX1 1ND

Contact: Sue Whitehead, Tel (01865) 810262  E-mail:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence and Substitutions (if applicable)


Apologies from Councillor Jim Couchman (Councillor Louise Chapman substituting in a voting capacity);

Fenella Trevillion, Oxfordshire PCT (Martin Mellors substituting in a non-voting capacity); and,

Graham McCartney, Thames Valley Probation Service (Duncan Hume substituting in a non-voting capacity).


Declarations of Interest (all members of the Body shall be responsible for deciding whether they have a declarable interest, in accordance with the Codes of Conduct of their own organisation , if applicable)




Minutes pdf icon PDF 73 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 11 December 2010 (SP3) and to receive for information any matters arising therefrom.


Agreed and signed.


Petitions and Public Address

Members of the public may speak on a matter included on the agenda by giving notice to the Contact Officer by the deadline of 9.00 am on the morning before the meeting.


Advice on addressing a meeting can be found on the Council’s website.





Grant Budget Report 2009-10 pdf icon PDF 47 KB

The budget monitoring report for 2009-10 attached at SP5(a) covers the first ten months of the financial year and shows the overall picture client group by client group. The report shows the Administering Authority forecasts a surplus of £602,696k compared with the original budget surplus of £439,567k. SP5(b) gives information by District.


The report attached at SP5(c) explains that the change in the forecast surplus is less than one percent of forecast annual expenditure and is the net result of various changes, some of them reflecting the inherent uncertainty relating to forecasting both void levels and the results of means-tests for services on what are called “block subsidy” contracts; others due to some new services not starting this year.

Additional documents:




Annual Plan 2010-11 pdf icon PDF 33 KB

A paper is attached at SP6(a) reminding the Commissioning Body of the requirements in the Memorandum of Understanding regarding the contents of the Annual Plan.


The Core Strategy Group at its meeting on 3 March discussed a draft Annual Plan 2010-11. Officers recommended a list of major projects for 2010-11 attached at SP6(b)and a budget proposing the amount to be spent on each primary client group attached at SP6(c).


A paper setting out further details about this annual plan and budget is attached at SP6(d).


The Core Strategy Group RECOMMENDS that the Commissioning Body approves the Annual Plan 2010-11.

Additional documents:


Agreed the Annual Plan 2010-11.


Review of Supporting People Strategy pdf icon PDF 57 KB

Oxfordshire Supporting People Strategy would be reviewed in 2010-11 with a view to set strategic and financial objectives for the programme in 2011-2014. As part of this review, two key administrative elements of the programme - the eligibility criteria and charging policy would also be reviewed.


The Commissioning Body members have requested an early consideration of a range of new flexibilities available to the partnership in managing the programme in future years. Key areas of flexibility are summarised in a paper attached at SP7.  This paper aims to facilitate this discussion and assist the members in providing a steer to the officers regarding the content and format of the strategy review.    



The Supporting People Commissioning Body agreed:

     (i)            to send a robust report to the Public Service Board (PSB) of the Oxfordshire Partnership setting out an analysis of needs, pressures, etc. in order better to inform the PSB of the work of the Commissioning Body; and,

   (ii)            to receive a report at the June meeting setting out the process and timetable for agreeing a new 5-year Strategy (3 years then optional re-fresh for 2 years) for 2011/12 – 2015/16.


Annual Plan 2009-10 - Progress Report pdf icon PDF 20 KB

A table is attached at SP8(a) showing progress against the Annual Plan and a report attached at SP8(b) gives further information about any items in the Annual Plan which the administering authority is not on track to deliver.

Additional documents:




Quarterly Service Performance National and Regional Comparison Report - Quarter 1 2009-10 pdf icon PDF 57 KB

A table is attached at SP9 showing Oxfordshire’s performance on National Indicators 141 and 142.


The table shows how the performance of Oxfordshire’s services in the first quarter of 2009-10 compares with the regional and national averages. This comparison is based on a government analysis which is circulated some months after the end of each quarter.


Most long term services and short term services are performing better.

