Agenda and minutes

Growth & Infrastructure Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 22 September 2011 10.00 am

Venue: County Hall

Contact: Liz Johnston, Tel: (01865) 328280  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


Cllr Sandy Lovatt was present as a substitute for Cllr Keith Strangwood.


Declarations of Interest - see guidance note on the back page


There were no Declarations of Interest.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 63 KB

To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14 July 2011 (GI3) and to receive information arising from them.


The minutes of the meeting on 14 July were signed and approved.


Speaking to or petitioning the Committee


There were no requests to speak to or petition the Committee.


Community Transport pdf icon PDF 50 KB



The Committee are invited to receive an update on progress with the project so far and comment on planned approach to future work (GI5).


Contact Officer:      Joy White (Project Manager, Community Transport Project)


John Disley (Strategic Manager, Highways and Transport) updated the Committee on work with the Community Transport Strategy. In particular, the scope of the project has been difficult to agree as it ties into a number of broad cross-cutting issues. Cllr David Turner was concerned with the proposed timetable and requested that Officers progress the work regarding Dial-a-ride with particular urgency.


The Committee RESOLVED to have a Q&A session with providers and other local authorities at the next Scrutiny Committee meeting to consider possible options.


Energy Management Strategy pdf icon PDF 71 KB



The Committee are invited to receive an update on the County Council approach to energy management and comment on the future approach (GI6).


Sue Kent (Environment & Climate Change Manager – Growth & Infrastructure)


Sue Kent (Environment & Climate Change Manager) introduced the Committee to Oxfordshire County Council’s approach to energy management, which takes into consideration the significant likely increases in energy costs and flexibility required to deal with these fluctuations. The Committee were informed of the ways the Council is trying to cut its energy use, and how it is supporting and encouraging schools to cut theirs. Cllr Handley requested that Officers consider the energy saving benefits of having longer school breaks in the winter and shorter breaks in the summer.


The Committee RESOLVED that a communication to all Councillors setting out what they could do, as individuals and as community leaders, to reduce energy consumption would be created.


Meeting of Jan 19 2021 2:00PM pdf icon PDF 95 KB



The Committee are invited to receive an update on progress against delivery of planned savings within the Environment & Economy Directorate and on the projections for future years (GI7).



ArzuUluosoy-Shipstone (Capital, Strategy & Transformation Manager)


ArzuUlusoy-Shipstone (Capital, Strategy & Transformation Manager, E&E) updated the Committee on progress on delivering savings in E&E. 82% of planned savings for 2011/12 have already been delivered. The only area where savings are not going to be achieved is under Street Lighting, due to a change in costing structures from our energy provider. These savings will be met from elsewhere in the E&E budget.


The Committee RESOLVED to receive further updates on progress against savings targets at appropriate intervals in the scrutiny work programme going forward.




Forward Plan



The Committee is asked to suggest items from the current Forward Plan on which it may wish to have an opportunity to offer advice to the Cabinet before any decision is taken, together with details of what it thinks could be achieved by looking at any item and propose any other relevant items for the Committee to consider.


Cllr Charles Mathew suggested an item on the planning Committee and its role in planning enforcement be considered for future meetings.


Cllr Nimmo-Smith requested that an item on potential new government planning policy comes to the Committee at an appropriate time.


Close of Meeting


