Agenda and minutes

Safer & Stronger Communities Scrutiny Committee - Monday, 14 September 2009 10.00 am

Venue: County Hall, Oxford, OX1 1ND

Contact: Kath Coldwell, Tel: (01865) 815902 E.Mail: 

Note: Date of next meeting: 26 October 2009 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


Declarations of Interest - see guidance note


Minutes pdf icon PDF 207 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 6 July 2009 (SSC3) and to note any matters arising on them.



Speaking to or petitioning the Committee


To consider future work items for the Committee



Presentations from the Safer and Stronger Communities Field





Officers from the Safer and Stronger Communities field will inform the scrutiny committee about (a) their service areas (b) the challenges and priorities facing their areas for the period 2009/10:


·                    Fire & Rescue – Director for Community Safety & Shared Services and Chief Fire Officer

·                    Community Safety – Head of Service – Community Safety & Trading Standards

·                    Emergency Planning – County Emergency Planning Officer

·                    Coroners Service – Assistant Head of Legal and Democratic Services                               


Officers will inform the scrutiny committee about their service areas and how they add value:


·                    Community Cohesion – Safer Communities Unit Manager, Voluntary Sector Development Manager and Strategic Partnerships Manager


·                    Equalities and Social Inclusion – Corporate Strategies Manager                  


A presentation from Community Services will be given to this Committee’s October meeting.



Annual Scrutiny Work Programme September 2009 - July 2010


            Contact: Sean Gibson, Corporate Performance Adviser, (01865) 815482

The proposed scrutiny work programme consists of ideas generated by members, officers and the public. Each idea has been assessed against the criteria outlined in the proposal form.  This includes an analysis of how the proposed review relates to the council’s strategic priorities, its current performance in this area and whether it is an area where scrutiny can contribute to upstream policy development.   The proposed reviews were discussed with the relevant directors or heads of service and their comments are included on the proposal form for members to consider.

Members are asked to consider the proposals relevant to their committee (SSC6 – to follow) and to decide which work they wish to undertake and with what priority.

The Committee is asked to identify its priorities for its work programme, including its first choice activity.





Fire Service Command and Control Room - the FiReControl and FireLink Projects pdf icon PDF 80 KB



Mr Colin Thomas (Assistant Chief Fire Officer and Head of Service Support) will answer any questions which the Committee wishes to ask.


Subject Matter


Written update on progress of the Fire Service Command and Control Room (FiReControl and FireLink Projects)




To consider future work items for the Committee



Forward Plan


The Committee is asked to note any items of interest.


Tracking Scrutiny Items




Report back on advice given by this Committee to the Cabinet, full  Council, other scrutiny committees, relevant strategic partnership bodies and other organisations where appropriate.


There is nothing to report at present.


12:50 approx Close of Meeting