Agenda and minutes

Safer & Stronger Communities Scrutiny Committee - Monday, 9 May 2011 10.00 am

Venue: County Hall, Oxford, OX1 1ND

Contact: Sean Gibson  Tel: (01865) 815482 Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


Councillor Anda Fitzgerald-O’Conner attended in place of Councillor Alan Thompson.


Councillor Ray Jelf attended in place of Councillor Stewtart Lilly.


Declarations of Interest - see guidance note on the back page




Minutes pdf icon PDF 96 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 14 February 2011 (SSC3) and any matters arising on them.


Minute 107/11: Councillor Judith Heathcoat  referred to the minute on simplifying the grant process for communities, and that work was on-going and being lead by Councillor Keiron Mallon.


Minute 109/11: Councillor Susanna Pressel said that she had been speaking about the ‘on-going’ training of volunteers to run libraries.  As the minute stood, the impression was given that this would be one-off training.  ‘On-going’ to be inserted as part of record.


Speaking to or petitioning the Committee


No requests to speak to the committee received.


Director's Update



The Director for Social & Community Services, Chief Fire Officer and the Acting Head of Trading Standards and Community Safety will give a verbal update on key issues.


Reports were received from David Ethridge (Chief Fire Officer) and John Jackson (Director, Social & Community Services).


David Ethridge reported on:


Trading Standards


  1. A strategy document, ‘Better Choices: Better Deals’, has been published by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills and the Cabinet Office’s Behavioural Insights Team, and will lead to more information being made available for consumers in order to be able to make informed decisions when purchasing.  It will also allow consumers to know more about what information is held about them by businesses.
  2. An inspection had been carried out in the first week of may into how the council manages the Regulatory Investigations Powers Act.  Committee will be informed when inspection report is published.
  3. Discussions had been held with Buckinghamshire County Council on joint managerial proposals for the councils’ Trading Standards teams.  A project Implementation Document has been drafted.


Oxfordshire Safer Communities Partnership


Partnership has undertaken a review of its direction of work in light of changes to community Safety and the Policing Bill currently going through Parliament.  The policing Bill contains proposals which would move responsibility for community safety funding from the county council to the Police Authority.  This will lead to the partnership having even more closer working arrangements with Police.


David Ethridge explained in response to a question from the deputy chairman that annual budget is £600,000, and that county council has committed to maintaining current funding for 12 months.  However, this will reduce to £400,000 the following year.


Fire & Rescue Service


The call on Oxfordshire Fire & Rescue service is the forest fire in Berkshire which has lead to the need for national assets to be utilised and co-ordinated.  Oxfordshire stores some of this equipment.


The fire is in a area of 300 hectares of mixed forest, and it is estimated that 55% has been destroyed.  The fire is complicated by a thick covering of pine needles and a deep peat layer which has also caught fire.


Up to 200 fire fighters have been in operation every day for 11 days with 20-30 engines in place.  Along with Oxfordshire, five other areas have been involved; London, Hertfordshire, Hampshire, Surrey and Buckinghamshire.


Oxfordshire is offering permanent support for Berkshire, this includes officer support, command and control, and communications support.


David Ethridge paid tribute to all staff in the Control Room particularly their work in co-ordinating joint logistical support.  He noted that the additional investment has improved availability by 22%, and that Oxfordshire has benefitted from the retention of Control Room staff as their experience when a situation like the Berkshire forest fire arises.


The Chief Fire Officer would send a briefing on the incident to all members.


The Chief Fire Officer was asked about costs, and the likely cause of the fire.  He said that the Fire & Rescue Act 2004, section 13, places a duty on brigades to work together regardless of where the incident is located.  At present the cost stands at £100,000, but should not be viewed as one incident.  For example, the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 121/11


Thames Valley Police: Presentation and Q&A


The presentation from the Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police will cover performance in priority crime and other measures such as confidence and satisfaction. The presentation will highlight some key processes that are underway to improve performance and productivity.

Chief Constable Sara Thornton QPM will attend for this item.

The Committee is invited to question the Chief Constable regarding the Plan.




Sara Thornton, Chief Constable, Thames Valley Police gave presentation.


Management comment


Chief Constable spoke about|:


  • Strategy for 3 years; 2011-2014
  • Crime levels and performance of force during past year
  • Budget


Strategy for 3 years, 2011-2014


               To cut crimes that are of most concern to the community

               To increase the visible presence of the Police

               To protect our communities from the most serious harm

               To improve communication with the public in order to build  trust and confidence in our communities

               To tackle bureaucracy and develop the professional skills of all staff

               To reduce costs and protect the frontline


Delivery Plan targets for 2011-2012:


To cut crimes that are of most concern to the community

·        Reduce the level of violence against the person by 12%

·        Reduce serious acquisitive crime by 5%

·        Increase the detection rate for violence against the person with injury to 42%

·        Increase the detection rate for serious acquisitive crime to 15%

·        Maintain the detection rate for serious sexual assault above 25%

·        Improve satisfaction levels for victims of domestic burglary, violence and vehicle crime above those achieved at 2010/11 year end


To increase the visible presence of the police

·        Increase the number of Special Constables to 700

·        Achieve an annual recruitment target of 10% BME for Police Officers, PCSOs and Special Constables


Protect our communities from the most serious harm

·        Increase the number of confiscation orders achieved by 5%


Crime levels and performance of force during past year


Data showed good performance against targets for serious acquisitive crime and violence against the person with injury.  Number of Special Constables for the area remained stable, and confidence in the police and satisfaction with overall experience showed an improvement in the year.



Thames Valley police face a £52m reduction over 4 years.  The Chief Constable explained that Police Grant was reduced across the board with no consideration given to local differences.  However, Thames Valley Police are in the middle range of budget reduction.


£47m savings has been identified via the force’s Productivity Strategy, and a Zero Based Budget approach is always taken when drafting budget.  Locally changes have been made to the managerial structure, and plans are in place to utilise technology better.




Main areas covered:


In response to a question from the Chairman, the Chief Constable said that though the priority is to protect the frontline a balanced approach must be taken to ensure that the proper ‘back office’ support is available.  Otherwise efficiency gains may be undermined.


Councillor John Godden asked how targets are set, and was informed that they are set by the Thames Valley Police Authority in a public meeting.  Police areas are grouped in ‘families’ to allow comparisons to be made.


Councillor Patrick Greene asked for data on fixed speeding cameras since they were re-activated.  He also asked for information about the number of motorcyclists caught speeding.  The Chief Constable said that she would have the details sent after the meeting.


Councillor Bill Service asked if the trial at  ...  view the full minutes text for item 122/11


Operation of Birmingham City Council's Illegal Money Lending Team in Oxfordshire pdf icon PDF 54 KB



Richard Webb, Acting Head of Trading Standards & Community Safety, 01865 815791


On 30th November 2009 the Cabinet Member for Safer and Stronger Communities delegated authority to the Head of Community Safety and Trading Standards to enter into an agreement with Birmingham City Council that would allow the Illegal Money Lending Team operated by that authority to work in Oxfordshire. At this time it was requested that the Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny Committee receive periodic reports of the progress made by this team in identifying and tackling illegal money lending in Oxfordshire. This is the second progress report.


The formal agreement permitting the Illegal Money Lending Team to operate in Oxfordshire was signed in January 2010. On 29th January 2010 the Stop Loan Sharks project (the name given to the project work undertaken by the Illegal Money Lending Team) was launched at a partnership event in Barton. The agreement which enables the Birmingham City Council Team to operate in Oxfordshire expired at the end of March 2011 but should have been extended by the time this report is received. The work undertaken by the team since the project launch is detailed in this report.


Richard Webb (Acting Head of Trading Standards & Community Safety) reported that the Birmingham Illegal Money Team has been operating in Oxfordshire since January 2010.  Agreement is necessary as team uses statutory powers.


The team works by using face to face interviews, and a communication drive to highlight the means by which people can bring a complaint.  No evidence of illegal money lending has been uncovered during the past year, but the authority recognises that time is needed for the team to gather intelligence, and build contacts and confidence.


Given the covert nature of the activities carried out by the team, reports are confidential, but are discussed with Richard Webb.


Richard Webb said that county council support is minimal as team works and acts independently.  However, intends to consult on how the council can increase levels of support.


In response to questions asked by committee, Richard confirmed that the agreement had been extended, and that the local media have been helpful and supportive when they can.  He said that the team tries to work with organisations who work with vulnerable individuals (eg, Citizens Advice Bureau).



Road Safety



Colin Thomas, Deputy Chief Fire Officer, 01865 855206.


Verbal update on progress to date.


Colin Thomas reported that steady progress is being made in transferring road safety responsibilities from Environment & Economy Fire & Rescue.  Priorities include re-aligning structure to provide management, supervision and guidance, transferring information and redeploying safety roadshows, and identifying priorities for a work programme to be launched in the summer.


Colin also referred to the launch of the United Nations Decade of Road Safety on 11 May 2011.


Councillor Susanna Pressel stated that it would be preferable to be able to comment on structure and focus of team prior to changes being agreed and fixed in place.


Councillor John Goddard stressed that an more integrated approach would be beneficial bringing together events, guidance and training, and area based rather than specialist based.


Councillor Bill Service raised the issue of HGVs and overtaking on A34 particularly the Newbury Bicester section.


Colin Thomas noted all comments, and said that a risk based approach would be used in deciding the work programme.


Fire Control



Colin Thomas, Deputy Chief Fire Officer, 01865 855206.


Verbal update on current status.


Colin Thomas reported that a paper on ‘Future Arrangements for Call Receipt, Mobilising and Incident management for Oxfordshire County Council Fire & Rescue Service’ had been submitted for consideration by Cabinet (11 May 2011).  Lessons from the forest fire in Berkshire would inform the work on future arrangements.


Scrutiny Work Programme



To consider work programme (to be sent separately).




The Chairman asked for the work programme to be considered by new committee at next meeting, and thanked current members for their contribution during the past year.


Forward Plan



The Committee is asked to suggest items from the current Forward Plan on which it may wish to have an opportunity to offer advice to the Cabinet before any decision is taken, together with details of what it thinks could be achieved by looking at any items.


Nothing of interest to committee noted.


12.30 Close of Meeting