Issue - meetings

Sandy Lane, West Oxford - Proposed Raised Zebra Crossing and Traffic Calming Features

Meeting: 05/09/2024 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management (Item 10.)

10. Sandy Lane, West Oxford - Proposed Raised Zebra Crossing and Traffic Calming Features pdf icon PDF 495 KB

Cabinet Member: Transport Management

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/253

Contact: Roger Plater, Senior Officer – Vision Zero (


Report by Director of Environment and Highways (CMDTMT).



The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:


a)    Approve the construction on Sandy Lane West, Oxford the following measures, as advertised:


b)    A Humped Zebra crossing west of its junction with Broadfields


c)    Raised Side Road Entry Treatments (SRETs) across its junctions with Broadfields, Costar Close and Spring Lane.


d)    Round top road humps at the following locations –

1. 19m* southwest of the western kerb-line of Blackbird Leys   Road,

2..15m* northeast of the centre of its junction with Costar Close,

3. 55m* east of the centre of its junction with Spring Lane,

4.20m* west of the centre of its junction with Spring Lane, and

5.25m* west of its junction with Bampton Close.


*Approximate dimensions