Issue - meetings

Future Generations

Meeting: 23/04/2024 - Cabinet (Item 56)

56 Future Generations Mission Statement pdf icon PDF 231 KB

Cabinet Member: Deputy Leader of the Council with Responsibility for Climate Change, Environment & Future Generations

Forward Plan Ref: 2023/361

Contact: Elena Grant, Policy Officer, 07825 403173


Report by Executive Director of Resources and Section 151 Officer (CA9)


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to


Cabinet is asked to agree the principle of Future Generations, and the mission statement that sets the direction of Oxfordshire County Council’s work in this space.



Recommendations approved.


Cabinet had before it a report on a proposed mission statement on Future Generations. The Council had passed a motion setting out a commitment to considering Future Generations in decision-making, and as part of this there has been the appointment of a Future Generations Member Champion and Future Generations included in a Cabinet portfolio.


The next steps were to set out the approach and ambition to be one of the leading English councils in this space. A mission statement had been developed to set out the scale of the Council’s goals, along with some initial actions of where to start work in this space.


Councillor Pete Sudbury, Deputy Leader of the Council with Responsibility for Climate Change, Environment & Future Generations, presented the report. He thanked Councillor Hicks for bringing forward the proposal on Future Generations to the Council and looked forward to working with him in his new role as Member Champion.


During discussion members welcomed the mission statement and expressed the hope that schools would participate in the Council’s initiatives in this area of policy.


Councillor Sudbury moved and Councillor Leffman seconded the recommendation, and it was approved.


RESOLVED to agree the principle of Future Generations, and the mission statement that sets the direction of Oxfordshire County Council’s work in this space.