Issue - meetings

Recommissioning the Current Alternative Provision DPS for an Open Framework

Meeting: 17/01/2024 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for SEND Improvement (Item 4.)

4. Recommissioning the Current Alternative Provision DPS for an Open Framework pdf icon PDF 553 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2023/224


Contact: Martin Goff, Head of Access to Learning, Children’s Services, ;


Sarah Roberts Commissioning Officer,


Report by Corporate Director for Children’s Services


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED:


a)             To delegate authority to the Director to authorise the award of framework agreements to Providers who have applied for and been selected on the open framework in accordance with the framework selection criteria and to award individual care package call-off contracts in accordance with the call-off award process under the framework and subject to the budgetary limits which follow. The maximum aggregated spend of the Council, after the brokerage process has been completed, for call-off contracts for individual care packages shall be £16.8m.


b)             To delegate authority to the Director, in consultation with the Head of Legal and Deputy Monitoring Officer and the Head of Procurement and Contract Management, to award call-off contracts to Providers, after the competitive process set out in the framework has been completed, for blocks of care packages (Block Contract) up to the value of £500,000 per contract.    


c)             To delegate authority to the Director, in consultation with the Head of Legal and Deputy Monitoring Officer and the Head of Procurement and Contract Management, to initiate the competitive process set out in the framework, for call-off contracts for blocks of care packages (Block Contracts) over the value of £500,000 per contract.   Award of Contracts subject to separate Key decision reports.  


Additional documents:


Recommendations approved.