Issue - meetings

Oxford 'Street Voice' Citizen's Jury

Meeting: 19/07/2022 - Cabinet (Item 104)

104 Oxford 'Street Voice' Citizen's Jury pdf icon PDF 434 KB

Cabinet Member: Corporate Services

Forward Plan Ref: 2022/089

Contact: Claire Taylor, Corporate Director – Customers, Organisational Development and Resources,


Report by Corporate Director – Customers, Organisational Development and Resources (CA16).




To note the independent research project undertaken by the consortium of researchers from Oxford University and request that Overview and Scrutiny consider a dedicated event in September 2022 to consider the findings in committee. To formally record its thanks to the residents who participated in the Jury and commit to consideration and response to the recommendations from the Jury.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to


a)                  Note the independent research project undertaken by the consortium of researchers from Oxford University (annex 1) and request that Overview and Scrutiny consider a dedicated event in September 2022 to consider the findings in committee.


b)                  Formally record its thanks to the residents who participated in the Jury and commit to consideration of and response to the recommendations from the Jury and any subsequent Overview and Scrutiny Committee considerations.


Additional documents:


Recommendation agreed with an amendment to a): to delete “in September 2022”



Cabinet received an update on the independent research project undertaken by the consortium of researchers from Oxford University and was recommended to ask Overview and Scrutiny to consider a dedicated event in September 2022 to consider the findings in committee.


Councillor Glynis Phillips, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, thanked the advisory group and the officers who gave up their weekends to support this process.  The process itself had been designed by the Oxford University team to consider a broad range of transport issues.  A report will come back to Cabinet following the consideration by scrutiny.


Councillor Phillips proposed an amendment to delete “in September 2022” from the recommendation as the scrutiny committees set their own work plan.  This was seconded by Councillor Brighouse and agreed.


Cabinet Members noted that the recommendations in the initial report were broadly in line with the Local Transport and Connectivity Plan recently agreed by Cabinet.


The recommendations as amended were proposed by Councillor Phillips and seconded by Councillor Brighouse.


The Chair thanked the University of Oxford for approaching the Council with the proposal.




a)              Note the independent research project undertaken by the consortium of researchers from Oxford University (annex 1) and request that Overview and Scrutiny consider a dedicated event to consider the findings in committee.


b)              Formally record its thanks to the residents who participated in the Jury and commit to consideration of and response to the recommendations from the Jury and any subsequent Overview and Scrutiny Committee considerations.