Issue - meetings

Townlands Community Hospital

Meeting: 20/10/2015 - Cabinet (Item 90)

90 Townlands Community Hospital - A New Model for Health and Care in the Henley-on-Thames area pdf icon PDF 99 KB

Cabinet Member: Adult Social Care

Forward Plan Ref: 2015/089

Contact: Kate Terroni, Deputy Director – Joint Commissioning Tel: (01865) 815792


Report by Director for Adult Social Care (CA8).


This report outlines the future model of health and care being established in the Henley-on-Thames area, including the plans for the new Townlands Hopsital, which was agreed at the Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body on 24 September 2015.


The Cabinet is recommended to note the intentions of the Clinical Commissioning Group and the potential implications for the County council.



Recommendations agreed.


Cabinet considered a report outlining the future model of health and care being established in the Henley-on-Thames area, including the plans for the new Townlands Hospital, which was agreed at the Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body on 24 September 2015.


Councillor Heathcoat introduced the contents of the report and moved the recommendations. During discussion Cabinet was advised that the Clinical Commissioning Group would bear the cost of the beds but that there may be some impact on the County Council. Potentially this was less than the cost of current care after a hospital stay.


Councillor Nimmo Smith was pleased at the efforts to provide some hospital facilities and hoped that the Townlands Steering Group would remain engaged.


Responding to a question from Councillor Hibbert Biles about whether the beds would be provided by CCG in perpetuity and whether this was included for in the contract Kate Terroni indicated that the intention was for a permanent arrangement. Councillor Heathcoat added that it was not possible to have clarity in perpetuity.


RESOLVED:           to note the intentions of the Clinical Commissioning Group and the potential implications for the County council.