Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 26 April 2007

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5.       Petitions and Public Address



Mr Tony Sanderson, Resident Southdale Road

Councillor Jean Fooks (Local Member)

Councillor Dermot Roaf (Local Member)

) 7. North Summertown CPZ


6.       Oxford, North Summertown Controlled Parking Zone

          Additional Representations (email received 25 April 2007)

I live in Harpes Road and am Chairman of the Sunnymead Environment Group.  There have been three meetings, the feedback of which has always been sent to the County Council.  Jean Fooks and Dermot Roaf will no doubt give most of the reasons why the majority of residents were opposed to the proposals. 

The addition that I should like the Committee to register is to convey the concerns of the residents on the research evidence from other parking control initiatives that result in homeowners concreting their front gardens in order to avoid extra payments.  The environmental damage of this action is serious in the light of climate change actuality and predictions.  Increased run off, flooding in the warmer, wetter winters, increased heat retention and its release at night, with the resultant debilitating influence on young and old in the urban 'heat island effect' .

Finally, the residents mourn the potential loss of biodiversity and the character and charm of the front gardens in this neighbourhood. 

Source:  The London Assembly  'Crazy Paving, the environmental impact of paving front gardens in London'.  (Richard Kingshott has a copy). 

Yours sincerely 

Elaine Steane  MBE.    

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