Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 19 July 2007




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Division(s): Barton and Churchill








Report by Head of Transport




1.                  This report considers comments received in response to consultation on the future of the access gap between the westbound A40 and the service road outside McDonalds and recommends implementing a permanent closure.




2.                  Headington Roundabout is located to the north-east of Oxford city centre and forms the intersection of the A40 with the A4142 Eastern Bypass, the A420 London Road and the Bayswater Road to Barton and villages beyond.


3.                  Changes to the roundabout layout, including introduction of traffic signals, were completed in December 2006. The enhancements were aimed at reducing traffic congestion, improving bus priority and journey times and addressing accident and safety issues. Early indications are that these aims are being achieved.


4.                  The residential estate of Risinghurst occupies the south-east quadrant between the A40 and the A4142 Eastern Bypass. A service road runs around the perimeter of the estate. This is named London Road where it is parallel to the A40, the Roundway at the corner adjacent to the roundabout and Green Road where it is parallel to the Eastern Bypass. The road layouts before and after the works can be seen at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).


Access Gaps


5.                  Prior to the roundabout changes there were two access gaps between the westbound A40 and the service road; one at the Roundway outside McDonalds and one approximately 65m to the east, outside 304 London Road. The latter gap was permanently closed in the new arrangement because of the introduction of a bus pre-signal (on an island) at the end of the bus lane.


6.                  The former gap was closed mid-way through the construction period as the roadworks prevented vehicles from getting through. A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) was granted to keep the gap closed on completion of the works as it was considered necessary to prevent vehicles from emerging on to the A40 while the new arrangement was unfamiliar to all drivers. The TTRO remains enforcable until May 2008, if necessary, and the gap is closed at present by a removable safety barrier.


Safety Issues


7.                  Before changes to the roundabout, the access gap allowed movement into and out of the Roundway at the end of the bus lane close to the give way line. Most A40 traffic would either be queueing at the roundabout or slowing to give way. During the last five years there have been no serious accidents at the gap.


8.                  The new layout has resulted in more traffic lanes outside the gap. The nearside lane (Lane 1) is not controlled by signals so vehicles can continue uninterrupted to the southbound Eastern Bypass. Lane 2 is for traffic moving around the roundabout to either Oxford or Barton exits. Lanes 3 and 4 are for the westbound A40 through the roundabout.


9.                  The principal safety concern is that vehicles coming out of the gap will need to cross the free-flowing Lane 1 in order to get into the desired lane for Oxford/Barton or the westbound A40. Vehicles on the A40 heading for the Eastern Bypass will be changing lanes after passing the signal at the end of the bus lane in order to get into Lane 1. Conversely, buses will be changing from Lane 1 to Lane 2 to head into Oxford . These movements may mislead drivers attempting to cross these lanes and lead to accidents.


Local Traffic


10.             When the gap was open, vehicles were frequently observed entering London Road at its eastern extent and leaving at the gap in order to jump the queue to the roundabout. This did nothing to relieve overall congestion but introduced risks from vehicles using an inappropriate residential service road and pushing out into a queue.


11.             Many vehicles that were at the Roundway to visit the shops and/or McDonalds were able to get out at the gap and save a return journey along the local roads.


12.             Reopening the gap would again permit users of the Roundway shops and McDonalds to exit directly on to the A40. This is likely to remove some of the traffic leaving the Roundway southwards down Green Road .  However, the reopened gap may generate additional journeys on the local roads.  It reintroduces the opportunity for queue-jumpers to avoid delays on the A40 westbound and potentially on the Eastern Bypass northbound approaches, although the reduced queue lengths (since completion of the works) will minimise this effect and also it may lead to accidents, as discussed in paragraph 9.




13.             Initial consultation on the roundabout improvement scheme as a whole, including the proposals for the access gaps, was carried out in May and June 2004. Results of the consultation were summarised in a report to the Executive on 7 September 2004 .  An extract from the report is set out below:


14.             “There is enough support for the temporary closure of Access 1 (outside McDonalds), but making it permanent attracts less support and the intention is to monitor traffic behaviour on The Roundway and make a decision on permanent closure of this access way once construction works have been completed and traffic levels stabilised.”


15.             Further informal consultation was carried out between March and May 2007 to obtain the views of stakeholders now that the works are finished. Letters were sent to local residents, local businesses, bus companies and statutory consultees.


16.             There were a total of seventeen responses, of which nine were in favour of permanent closure (including Thames Valley Police and the Parish Council), one raising no objections, and seven opposed (including three local businesses). Responses to the consultation are available in the Members’ Resource Centre and are summarised at Annex 2 (download as .doc file).


Officer Comments on Consultation Responses


17.             The responses opposed to the permanent closure cited loss of trade and increased traffic on the local estate roads, particularly Green Road , as the main reasons.


18.             One resident of Green Road stated that traffic levels had remained the same, so there is contradictory opinion about this. If the gap is reopened it is likely that southbound traffic along Green Road will reduce as drivers visiting the shops and McDonalds will have an alternative, nearer exit to the main road system.


19.             However, additional journeys will be generated along the service roads towards the gap if it is reopened. These will result from Risinghurst residents having an alternative exit from the estate and possibly from “queue-jumpers” trying to avoid occasional delays on the A40 and Eastern Bypass approaches to the roundabout.


20.             Officers note objections from business owners on the Roundway who contend that they have lost trade following the gap closure.  However, the main concern of officers is the potential for serious collisions between emerging vehicles and approaching A40 traffic.  This view is shared by Thames Valley Police, the Parish Council and two bus companies.




How the Project Supports LTP Objectives


21.             Maintaining a permanent closure will reduce the potential for serious accidents, leading to improved road safety.


Financial and Staff Implications


22.             There are no financial implications associated with this recommendation. However, funding for any work that is necessary at the access gap is available from the outstanding budget for the Headington Roundabout improvement scheme.  Staff allocation is contained within current resource levels.




23.             The Committee is RECOMMENDED to confirm that the access gap between the Roundway and the A40 should remain closed and authorise the making of a Traffic Order to achieve permanent closure.





Head of Transport


Background papers:            Consultation documentation

Report to Executive – 7 September 2004 .

A40 Headington/Green Road Roundabout Improvements


Contact Officer:                     Colin Baird     Tel: (01865) 815536


July 2007



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