Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 19 July 2007


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DIVISION(s): Bicester








Report by Head of Transport




1.                  The purpose of this report is to seek Committee approval to make the necessary Order for the above parking scheme as advertised.




2.                  Over the past 2 years Oxfordshire County Council and Cherwell District Council have received a number of requests from residents to provide a parking scheme in the town centre of Bicester.  The proposals were supported in principle by the relevant district ward members and the Bicester Traffic Advisory Committee. 


3.                  Oxfordshire County Council accordingly entered into an Agency Agreement with Cherwell District Council to promote a scheme for a number of identified roads.  The terms of the Agency Agreement provide that the District Council’s views on any representations should be passed to the County Council as the Order making authority and on 2 July 2007 the District Council’s Executive considered the representations and objections which had been received in response to a formal consultation relating to the Traffic Regulation Orders required to implement the residents parking scheme in Bicester and decided:


(a)               to pass comments thereon to Oxfordshire County Council pursuant to the Agency Agreement (Annex 1) (download as .doc file);


Note: Cherwell District Council received a late representation from a property on North Street and agreed that 2 additional properties at 60(a) and 62(a) North Street should be eligible for permits.

(b)               to implement the Bicester Residents Parking Scheme as advertised in accordance with the Traffic Regulation Orders to be made by the Oxfordshire County Council;

(c)               that in the event that the County Council decided to make Orders which differed significantly from the proposals as advertised the Head of Building Control and Engineering Services, in consultation with the  Planning and Housing Portfolio Holder, be authorised  to determine whether the changes affected the primary objective or the financial viability of the scheme before any action was taken to make or implement the proposed Orders and in these instances a further report be submitted as necessary;

(d)               to review operation of the Residents Parking Scheme 12 months after  implementation.


4.                  It is envisaged that this process will also provide the basis for another scheme in Banbury at a later date.




5.                  Formal consultation was carried out between 27 April and 25 May 2007 .  As well as all residents living in the streets affected the proposals were circulated to local District and County Councillors and statutory consultees. Although no formal representations were received from statutory consultees it is understood that Thames Valley police support the scheme. Representations received have been considered by both Councils and are set out at Annex 1 to this report with officer comments and both Councils are happy to proceed with implementation.   


Financial and Staff Implications


6.                  It is expected that there will be no further implications for Oxfordshire County Council, except as raised in the Agency Agreement




7.                  The Committee is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)         authorise the making of the Oxfordshire County Council (Various Roads Bicester)(Parking) Order 200* as advertised subject to minor variations referred to in the Annex to this report and to the addition of properties at 60(a) and 62(a) North Street as referred to in paragraph 3(a) above;


(b)         endorse the decision by Cherwell District Council to review the scheme 12 months after implementation.





Head of Transport

Background papers:            Copies of correspondence attached at Annex 2

Contact Officer:                     Louise Harrison, Environment & Economy

Tel (01865) 812632

July 2007


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