Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 19 July 2007


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Division(s): All









Report by Head of Transport




1.                  This report seeks agreement to the addition of a number of priority schemes to the capital programme in Abingdon, Banbury and Carterton. The schemes would be funded using developer contributions that are currently held in general accounts for the implementation of transport schemes in these towns. These would be fully developer funded and designed up and consulted on in the usual way.  




2.                  Section 106 agreements are negotiated with developers to mitigate the impacts of development.  A number of existing Section 106 agreements have resulted in contributions towards general transport improvements within the town in question, or towards ‘Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS) schemes’ where such strategies have been agreed.  Where there is the opportunity to prioritise these schemes developer funding should be used to support the objectives of the Local Transport Plan (LTP) and the capital programme shows that it is used to supplement Supported Capital Expenditure (SCE) schemes wherever possible.  In some towns there are currently no SCE funded schemes although there are a number of transport measures yet to be implemented and general developer monies held.  Officers have therefore been assessing and prioritising these schemes against LTP and other objectives in order to recommend use of the general developer funding accounts to good effect. 


3.                  Consideration has been given to whether the general funds should top up the contributions held towards specific schemes or be used to implement other agreed, but outstanding, measures within the town.  In trying to prioritise schemes, use was made of an assessment framework that looks at how well measures would meet LTP objectives, as well as considering the recommendations that came out of previous work such as the Transport Networks Review (TNR); locally identified priorities and fit with schemes that have already been implemented. 


4.                  This is part of a rolling programme of work to look at all the developer funding accounts and the outstanding schemes.  This will need to be reviewed on an annual basis to supplement the Supported Capital Expenditure programme.  In some towns there are major infrastructure decisions awaited or current transport reviews that may affect use of the general developer funds for the specific towns. Officers have therefore focused on carrying out evaluations on towns where this is not the case (ie Abingdon, Banbury and Carterton so far).  However, they will continue to look at other areas as soon as it is practical to do so.  The further completion of the ITS measures in particular will help to mitigate the cumulative impacts of the various developments from which the contributions have been received. 


5.                  Abingdon – at the time of the assessment there was about £30,000 in the general ITS pot for Abingdon.  It was established that this could not be used to top up the monies identified for specific schemes as all of these were either about to be used to support SCE schemes, or needed to be passed on to maintenance or the Area Office for specific reasons.  The ITS schemes that have not yet been implemented were therefore considered, including those elements further developed by the Public Transport Development team.  There are other “secured” monies which may be received as and when developments proceed, but the flexibility of application provided in the current S106 agreements enables the following priority schemes to be considered for implementation:


(a)               Secondary cycle network – a lot of resource has already been spent on implementing the primary network, as identified through the ITS work.  It would seem good use of this general ITS developer money to complete this network with the secondary elements (mainly lining and signing work).  This would go some way to meeting accessibility and road safety objectives. 


(b)               Secure and/or covered cycle stands – this would sit well with the above work, and could also contribute to street environment objectives. 


(c)               Cothill weight limit signs – this would be minimal cost and would complete the other work that has already been put in on the ground in the village as part of the ITS. 


(d)               Support the Public Transport Development programme of works – further consideration would be required on this.


6.                  Since this assessment further money has come in to the general Abingdon developer funded pot (currently around £38k) and, as mentioned above, there will be another review of these towns to meet the timetable for preparing the 2008/09 capital programme.  Schemes to be considered further could include proposals emerging from the town centre review, Drayton Road bus lane (depending on the outcome of current investigations) or topping up the Public Transport Development schemes in Abingdon. 


7.                  Banbury – the amount of money held and available in the general ITS developer funded pot is only around £14,500.  There are a number of monies earmarked for specific schemes which need topping up from elsewhere, but either there are issues holding up the delivery of the schemes, for instance individually they require more than £14,500 or a problem has been identified that it is considered needs addressing now.


8.                  In Banbury there are some lower level problems that are listed in the LTP but for which the ITS did not deliver detailed solutions.  In addition recent development decisions have increased the urgency for review of areas identified as issues through the ITS.  The priorities are seen as:


(a)               High Street/George Street junction – identified as a congestion problem within the LTP;


(b)               Broughton Road cycle and pedestrian facilities – to tie in with current plans to review parking arrangements and to deal with problems with access to the college at the lower end of the road;


(c)               Bus stops and other infrastructure required in connection with the new health facility at Broughton Road/South Bar junction - this would also give an opportunity to assess cycle route continuity at the junction which has previously been identified as a problem;


(d)               Swan Close Road – the need for pedestrian phases at the traffic controlled junction was discussed during the ITS.


9.                  There are other ‘problems’ listed in the LTP within Banbury, namely congestion on Ermont Way and street environment issues in Market Place.  The Ermont Way issues require a major review, outside the scope of the available money and the Market Place issues could be covered by the District Council’s desire to look at Parsons Street .


10.             It is considered that the Broughton Road cycle and pedestrian facilities are in most urgent need of an answer.  Planned development and the review of parking arrangements has raised this up the list since the ITS was concluded.  There are considerable amounts of further monies secured, but not all guaranteed, and the other problems and outstanding ITS schemes can be considered once further funds have arrived. 


11.             Carterton – there is no ITS identified for Carterton but there is a considerable amount of developer funded money held that is not tied to specific schemes, with the wording being along the lines of “Carterton and its links with trunk and principal roads” or “Carterton transport/highway infrastructure”.  At the time of the assessment this general pot amounted to over £120,000.  There is also money held for the Black Bourton Road closure (the experimental order expired on 25 May 2007 and the County Council has until next May to make it permanent).


12.             Officers looked at County Council policies and strategies, including the LTP and TNR, as well as schemes identified within the Local Plan, by the Carterton Fast Forward Group and by the local TAC, in order to prioritise schemes that could utilise this general pot of money.  The scheme that was identified as the priority was online improvements to the B4477 from the new link road, Monahan Way , up to the A40, which would clearly meet the requirements of the S106 agreements that refer to “links with trunk and principal roads”.  Consideration could be given in association with this as to whether the road should be reclassified as an A road as recommended in the TNR. 


13.             This scheme probably would not need all of the monies potentially available, and further consideration will be given to other schemes, which could include support for Public Transport Development schemes in the area or cycle scheme proposals. 


The Schemes to be Added to the Capital Programme


14.             With each of these proposals further work is needed to clarify the final schemes.  In Abingdon the first step should be to assess what would be needed to complete the secondary cycle network identified by Halcrow in their 2001 final report on AbITS.  Initial investigations have been undertaken in the past but work is required to determine whether the routes identified need amendment, particularly in terms of routes to schools.  Key locations for secure cycle parking need to be identified.  All the improvements will need to be itemised and costed this year and if they are estimated to exceed the available funding then a prioritised list will come back to a future CMD meeting.  Halcrow assessed the cost of the secondary network as being about £30k but this was without detailed examination.  If the funding is there then the opportunity could be taken to complete the Cothill scheme with the weight limit signs. 


15.             In Banbury assessment work is needed this year in order to identify what can or cannot be implemented along Broughton Road in terms of pedestrian and cyclist facilities next year.


16.             In Carterton, assessment work is needed in 2007/08 to identify what online improvements are needed along the B4477 and could be implemented next year. 


Public Consultation


17.             Public consultation will be carried out as appropriate on individual schemes, but it is unclear at this stage what will be required until specific schemes have been identified.  In Abingdon there will be discussion with local members and cycle groups in terms of identifying secondary cycle routes and secure parking. 


How the Schemes Support LTP Objectives and Other Objectives


18.             In Banbury, pedestrian and cyclist facilities along Broughton Road would contribute to access and road safety objectives within the LTP.  Although the High Street/George Street congestion problem is identified within the LTP it is felt that parking considerations and other pressures along Broughton Road make this a more urgent consideration.  The Abingdon secondary cycle network and secure parking places would contribute to accessibility and safety objectives.  On-line improvements along the B4477 from Carterton up to the A40 would be in line with recommendations from the TNR.  All the schemes proposed would help to mitigate the impacts of development and relate back to the terms identified within the S106 agreements. 


Financial and Staff Implications


19.             These respective schemes are to be fully financed from the general funds of developer contributions money already held in respect of Abingdon, Banbury and Carterton. 


20.             All work associated with the development of the programme and detailed assessment of the proposed schemes can be accommodated within Oxfordshire County Council existing resources including County Council staff working for Oxfordshire Highways. 




21.             The Committee is RECOMMENDED to authorise the addition of the following developer funded schemes for inclusion in the capital programme for development this year and implementation over 2007/08 and 2008/09: 


(a)               Abingdon secondary cycle network;


(b)              Abingdon secure cycle parking facilities;


(c)               Cothill, Abingdon weight limit signs;


(d)              identification of pedestrian and cyclist facilities along Broughton Road , Banbury; and


(e)               on-line improvements to the B4477 from Monahan Way/Minster Road roundabout, Carterton to the A40. 




Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Nil


Contact Officer:                     Jacqui Cox, Tel: (01865) 815713


July 2007


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