Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 4 October 2007


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Division(s): Isis








Report by Head of Transport




1.                  The purpose of this report is to consider comments and objections received to a formal advertisement and statutory consultation on amendments to the waiting restrictions and peak-hour clearway times operating along the Abingdon Road as well as the Old Abingdon Road in Oxford.




2.                  Following major reconstruction works along Abingdon Road which were completed in December 2005, the reinstatement of the carriageway road–markings highlighted several areas of discrepancy with the various Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) which governed waiting restrictions and parking controls along its length. Surveys have now been carried out to identify these and the schedules have been redrafted in the proposed TRO to take into account these and new vehicular access requirements introduced with the works.  In addition some minor alterations have been incorporated to assist traffic along the Abingdon Road to flow more freely, especially, at peak-hour times.  The opportunity was also taken to consolidate all the various existing TROs into one parent Order.




3.                  The existing peak-period (No Stopping) Clearway currently operates between the hours of 8.00am and 9.30am and 4.00pm and 6.30pm on Monday to Saturday along both sides of the full length of the Abingdon Road and on the Old Abingdon Road to its junction with Kennington Road.  It is proposed to extend the hours of operation by a half hour during the morning peak to start at 7.30am instead of 8.00am to bring this into line with the other peak-period clearways and bus lanes in Oxford.


4.                  It is also proposed to extend the restriction on waiting of vehicles at any time on the eastern side of the Abingdon Road along its entire length and for the majority of the western side of the Abingdon Road as well as on both sides of the Old Abingdon Road to Kennington Road.


5.                  New double yellow lines (No Waiting at any Time) are proposed outside property nos. 272 – 280 Abingdon Road (i.e. between Lincoln Road and Monmouth Road) to protect the recently installed lowered kerbs, and at several of the pedestrian refuges to provide sufficient space for large vehicles to manoeuvre without over-running the footway. 


6.                  The daytime only waiting restrictions along three separate lengths on the western side of the Abingdon Road are proposed to be extended by half an hour in the mornings to operate between 7.30am and 6.30pm on Monday to Saturday inclusive, instead of 8.00am and 6.30pm, to be consistent with the clearway times.


7.                  Plans showing the proposals are attached at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).


Public Consultation


8.                  Proposals were advertised for public consultation between 1 June 2007 and 29 June 2007.  Notices were published in the local newspaper and placed along all affected lengths of road.  Letters were delivered to all affected properties along the Abingdon Road and Old Abingdon Road, including hotels and businesses, informing of the proposed changes to the existing TROs.  Letters were also attached to the windscreens of all vehicles seen parked along the Abingdon Road advising motorists on how parking patterns may change as a result of the provisions in this proposal.  All Councillors and other interested bodies were also consulted and invited to comment at the same time.  In total 278 letters were delivered. A copy of the letter that was sent to residents is attached to this report at Annex 2 (download as .doc file).


9.                  6 letters were received in response to the advertised proposal of which only 3 could be considered as objections.  These are summarised together with the observations of the Head of Transport in the table appended to this report at Annex 3 (download as .doc file)..  Copies of the letters of public comment are on deposit in the Members’ Resource Centre.


10.             The main objections are to the removal of parking spaces from Abingdon Road during the proposed clearway hours with objectors stating that this will provide no benefit, will increase traffic level and speeds and will result in more parking pressure on adjacent side streets.


11.             In response, it should be noted that peak-time restrictions have been in place along Abingdon Road for many years, although latterly these have not been enforceable due to errors in signing and marking arising from the major reconstruction works.   There is a clear benefit from the removal of parking along Abingdon Road during peak-hour traffic to allow local buses and cyclists unobstructed access into the city centre.  It is not expected that the new restrictions will give rise to greater vehicular speed due to the nature and steady progression of peak-hour traffic and the existence of a speed camera near Hinksey Park.  Furthermore, removing this parking during peak-times will make it much safer for cyclists who are presently being squeezed into the paths of other traffic when manoeuvring past these parked vehicles. With regard to increased parking on adjacent side streets, it is possible that this may occur but the review of the South Oxford Residents Parking Scheme which is currently underway will assist.


12.             One resident of Abingdon Road has written to support this proposal and hopes that the improvement in traffic flow on the Abingdon Road is realised once the Order has been made. Oxford Bus Company has written supporting this proposal and recognises the benefits that it will bring to the free flow of traffic on such a busy road. Thames Valley Police state that it has no objection to the Order.




13.             From over 250 letters originally sent out as part of the statutory consultation, only 6 letters of comment have been received and of these only 3 objected.  The suggestions and comments received have been carefully considered, but none are considered to raise matters which outweigh the benefits that the proposals will bring to traffic on Abingdon Road.


How the Project Supports LTP2 Objectives


14.             These proposals will help in tackling congestion at peak periods along the Abingdon Road and the Old Abingdon Road.


Financial Implications (including Revenue)


15.             The cost of the additional signs and road markings required to implement the proposal set out in this report is estimated to be £5,000, which will be funded from the Principal Roads Capital Allocation in the LTP.




16.             The Committee is RECOMMENDED to authorise the making of the Oxfordshire County Council (Abingdon Road, Oxford)(Traffic Management) Order 200* as advertised.





Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Consultation documentation


Contact Officer:                     Peter Egawhary, Tel 01865 815857


October 2007


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