Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 4 October 2007


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Division(s): Banbury (Grimsbury & Castle)









Report by Head of Transport


Introduction and Background


1.                  This report details comments received in response to a formal consultation on the installation of yellow lines along the initial section of Waterloo Drive nearest Middleton Road and seeks authority to implement.


2.                  The Waterloo Drive estate lies to the north of Middleton Road next to the railway line and was built about ten years ago although the highway element has not been formally adopted. However adoption is expected in late 2007. (see Annex 1 (download as .doc file) for location and scheme details)


3.                  Both the Local Member for Grimsbury and Banbury Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC) have requested measures to deal with commuter parking associated with this area of Waterloo Drive nearest Banbury Rail Station. There has been a desire to restrain this for some time but since the estate has until now, not been adopted, there has been little that could be done.


4.                  Now that the adoption of the main estate roads is nearing completion proposals have been drawn up to reduce the risk of accidents on this section of road.




5.                  Consultation on the scheme was carried out between 3 July and 31 July 2007.  All frontagers on the routes were consulted along with statutory bodies. There were 21 respondees while two individuals considered the proposals did not go far enough and that the whole estate should have measures at this stage. Supporters of the proposals were also concerned about displacement effects.


Officer Comment on Consultation Responses


6.                  Officers recommend not extending the measures into the main areas with frontages at this stage but to monitor the post installation situation. There are advantages to implementing the present measures now and then consulting again at least six months later should displacement fears appear substantiated. The rest of the estate could then be asked about the extent of on street restrictions they really want both in daytime and at night.


7.                  Commuter parking is believed to be largely associated with the railway station rather than Banbury Town centre. Rail station car park expansion is planned but is not very imminent and the charging policy is likely to remain. Some drivers are therefore likely to continue to choose free on-street parking in the easiest location. The present scheme seeks to address this directly.


8.                  The areas of single yellow lines proposed will allow scope for night time parking. There are other non highway areas in which residents may park in this section of Waterloo Drive, once the daily commuter ingress has reduced.


9.                  A request was received to change the proposed single yellow line from the kerb north of the private car park to a double yellow line, across the courtyard style entrance between 1 and 11 Waterloo Drive. This will be re-considered along with other issues raised when the effect of these measures is reviewed. All consultation responses and officer views are summarised at Annex 2 (download as .doc file).


How the Project Supports LTP Objectives


10.             The Banbury TAC asked that this scheme could be pursued with the Merton Street project. Schemes of this type are aimed at improving street quality and protecting local streets from intrusive long term commuter parking.


Financial and Staff Implications


11.             All costs of installation are contained within the current programmed budget with Merton Street. The total cost is estimated to be around £2k. Staff allocation is contained within current resource levels.




12.             The Committee is RECOMMENDED to approve the introduction of the parking proposals in Waterloo Drive as shown on the drawing attached at Annex 1 to this report.





Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:            Consultation documentation


Contact Officer:                     David Clough Tel:     01865 815743


September 2007


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