Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 2 July 2009


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Division(s): Charlbury








Report by Head of Transport




1.                  This report considerS comments and objections received to a formal advertisement and statutory consultation on the 30mph Speed Limit Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for Sarsden.




2.                  Over a number of years the Northern Area Office has received many requests for a 30mph speed limit through the village of Sarsden in particular from Sarsden Parish Council.


3.                  During 2001 the village speed limit initiative implemented new 30mph speed limits throughout the majority of villages in West Oxfordshire. No speed limit was progressed for Sarsden for reasons unknown. However, due to renewed concerns about the speed of traffic through the village the County Council agreed to progress the proposed TRO.


4.                  Manual speed checks have been taken indicating an average speed through the village of between 35-36 mph. This would indicate that the proposed limit would be suitable for the prevailing conditions and would assist in reducing the overall speed further.

(Plan - download as .doc file)


Public Consultation


5.                  Consultation was carried out FROM 6 February 2009 for a period of 28 days. A public notice was placed in the Oxford Times with notices placed onsite in the village.  Letters were also sent to statutory consultees and interested parties enclosing the Draft Order, Public Notice and plans showing the extent of the proposals.


6.                  One response was received from Thames Valley Police who commented that the speed limit was not appropriate for the road taking into account the collision history and community criteria laid down in Traffic Advisory Leaflet 1/04.  


7.                  Although Sarsden would not quite meet the criteria for the definition of a ‘village’ (20 houses) in the Traffic Advisory Leaflet 1/04, discretion is available to Highway Authorities under this guidance and it is considered that the proposed speed limit is consistent with the principles of the County’s village speed limit initiative.


8.                  The speed limit has to be signed in accordance with The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 and discussion has taken place with a Parish representative with regard to signing. Assurances have been given that signing will kept to a minimum in order to reduce any visual impact in the village. A meeting will be held with the Parish to discuss final details for  signing.




9.                  The proposals have met with minimal response. If the speed limit had been progressed under the village speed limit initiative it would have been implemented as proposed.


How the Project Supports LTP2 Objectives


10.             The proposals described in this report comply with the LTP2 objectives in respect of Safer Roads, (improving the safety of all road users especially through the village)


Financial and Staff Implications


11.             The funding for the project is being met from the Northern Area Local Safety  Schemes Budget and is likely to cost in the region of £3000. Work on this project has been undertaken by Transport staff as part of their normal working week.




12.             The Committee is RECOMMENDED to approve the making of the Oxfordshire County Council (Sarsden Parish) (30 mph Speed Limit) Order 200* as published to include all the roads through the village subject to approval of appropriate signage.




Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:            Documentation as per consultation including location                                                      plans.

Copies of all the letters received are available in the Members’ Resource room.


Contact Officer:                     Tony Currell Tel: (01865) 812614


May 2009


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