Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 2 July 2009


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Division(s): Banbury Grimsbury & Castle









Report by Head of Transport




1.                  This report considers comments received during a formal consultation on the Oxfordshire County Council (Banbury, Wildmere Industrial Estate) (Prohibition of Waiting) Experimental Traffic Order and asks the Committee to approve formalisation of the Order.




2.                  Wildmere Industrial Estate is on the north east side of Banbury and in close proximity to Junction 11 of the M40. The occupiers have a wide variety of business interests including a high profile international company.


3.                  In 2006 the Northern Area Office was approached by Environmental Health at Cherwell District Council after they had received complaints from several occupants regarding a variety of issues such as parking overnight, litter, sanitation, obstruction and security.  It was suggested that at times because of the number of vehicles using the road to park that it became obstructed and that units operating on a 24 hour basis were unable to access properties, this was also a concern for the emergency services .


4.                  In early 2007 informal consultation took place on proposals for a scheme which was limited to junction and bend protection.  There were 16 responses from this consultation (copies of which are available for inspection in the Members’ Resource Centre) none of which objected to the proposals but almost all wanted further restrictions.  After plotting the requests onto the plan it became evident that the whole estate would be covered.


5.                  Lorry parking in general was discussed at the Traffic Advisory Meetings and it was agreed that the matter should also be raised at the Oxfordshire County Council/Cherwell District Council Bi-lateral meeting.  The Northern Area Engineer reported back that the preference would be for an Experimental Traffic Order covering the whole estate.




6.                  Due to the nature of the Order (i.e. experimental) the formal consultation extended for the first 6 months of the Order when in place, during which time statutory bodies and members of the public were able to comment in writing.  The Order itself could be in place for a period of up to 18 months.


7.                  The order was advertised in the Banbury Guardian on Friday 15 August 2008 and implemented on Monday 25 August 2008.  The delay being that the road would be sufficiently clear of vehicles on a Bank Holiday to allow for the lining work to take place. Site notices were also displayed. The experimental period closed on 25 February 2009.


8.                  During the six month period 4 written responses were received which pointed to a lack of information being received prior to implementation.  Copies of the responses are available for inspection in the Members’ Resource Centre.


9.                  The then Cabinet Member for Transport visited Wildmere on 22 October 2008 to meet concerned individuals to discuss the Experimental Order and discuss representations which had been received to remove restrictions from Wildmere Close.  A further letter was sent on 10 March 2009 to clarify whether or not those parties still wished Wildmere Close to be removed from the scheme.  4 responses were received confirming support for their removal.  These are also available for inspection in the Members’ Resource Centre.


How the Project Supports LTP2 Objectives


10.             In implementing this Order elements of all LTP2 objectives are delivered.  Congestion around the estate is eased, with all frontages now having clear and direct access.  Footways are clear for pedestrians to walk on and junctions free from traffic allowing crossing to take place safely.  Visibility is improved particularly around Acorn Way and Jugglers Close.  With less standing traffic, including heavy commercial vehicles, the air quality will be improved, particularly in the evenings.  Improvements have been made with help from Cherwell District Council to the street environment resulting in less litter and other detritus.




11.             The scheme, although received sceptically at first, appears to be working well, but needs more robust enforcement.  Concerns about displaced parking have not been to the extent anticipated.  Initial complaints found lorries had moved onto private land and landowners had contacted the Area Office for advice.  There have been no written complaints. 


Financial Implications (including Revenue)


12.             The scheme has cost approximately £4,000 so far with a predicted further £400 on the final advertisement.  This was funded by the Northern Area Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) budget.


13.             Officer time on the project including the preparation of the draft Order has been carried out as part of normal duties.




The Committee is RECOMMENDED subject to the removal of Wildmere Close from the proposals to approve formalisation of the Oxfordshire County Council (Banbury, Wildmere Industrial estate) (Prohibition of waiting) (Experimental) Order 2008 as a permanent Order.



Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Copies of the draft Public Notice and Experimental Order as advertised.

                                                Copy of plan (download as .doc file)


Contact Officer:                     Louise Harrison Tel: 01865 812632


May 2009


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