Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 2 July 2009


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Division(s): Banbury - Hardwick, Ruscote, Wroxton, Easington, Grimsbury, & Neithrop









Report by Head of Transport




1.                  In response to various requests and accident concerns a review of speed limits in Banbury has been undertaken which will result in the making of a new Consolidation Order.


2.                  The effect of the Order will be to consolidate existing Orders, introduce some minor amendments to existing Orders and the introduction of new speed limits.


3.                  Formal consultation has been undertaken and objections received.  The report details the scope of the project, objections received with officer comment and seeks approval to making the Consolidation Order without amendment.


Public consultation


4.                  Formal public consultation on the proposed speed limit amendments and consolidation order was carried out between 16 April 2009 and 15 May 2009.


5.                  Consultation was carried out with local Councillors, Thames Valley Police, District, Town and Parish Councils. A Public Notice appeared in the Banbury Guardian and site notices were displayed on affected roads for the duration of the consultation. A copy of the street notice is shown at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).


6.                  7 responses were received with 1 objection from Thames Valley Police.


7.                  Thames Valley Police wish to object to the 30mph limit on Dukes Meadow Drive and question the limit on Stratford Road. Their response is as follows:


“Dukes Meadow Drive is a new road linking with new developments along the edge of Banbury. The Police would argue that at the present time as there is little or no development fronting this road, the 30mph limit is unlikely to be complied with, leading to requests for enforcement. A 40 or 50mph limit would be more reasonable pending future development.”


“A422 Stratford Road.  A 30mph limit is to be placed on this road to just west of the junction with Bretch Hill. This will leave a very short stretch of 40mph limit between this limit and that covering the village of Drayton. This limit is presumably to cover the entrance to the school and the junction with Bretch Hill. There are two injury collisions listed for this stretch of road on the system for the three years to December 31 2008 and they both involve school pupils stepping into the road without looking. There are no collisions around the junction with Bretch Hill. Keeping the speed limit start close to the school is likely to improve compliance rather than having it beyond the Bretch Hill junction where there is no frontage and drivers are less likely to understand what the limit is for.”


8.                  Officer comment on the issues raised by Thames Valley Police are as follows:


9.                  The design standard applied to Dukes Meadow Drive was 30mph. Calming features have been incorporated along its length which would not be appropriate for vehicles to negotiate safely at speeds in excess of 30mph. It is therefore felt that a 30mph limit remains the most appropriate.


10.             Although there is no casualty history for the Stratford Road/Bretch Hill junction there is a history of pupils being injured either side of, and on the school crossing.  A site visit has shown that many pupils ignore the provided pedestrian crossing and cross the road, especially on the length between Bretch Hill and Trinity Close, often without stopping to look first. Having the 30 limit, for eastbound traffic, starting at the Bretch Hill junction should mean drivers reducing speed earlier. Therefore decreasing the risk of serious injuries should further vehicle / pupil hits occur.


11.             A summary of all comments received with an officer response are listed at Annex 2 (download as .doc file).


How the project supports LTP Objectives


12.             The scheme would support the core LTP objective of reducing traffic speeds and seek to reduce the number and severity of casualties on the routes.


Financial and Staff Implications


13.             The estimated cost for signing the new and amended limits is £5,000.


14.             Works will be funded from the 2009/10 Speed Limit Review Budget.




15.             The Committee is RECOMMENDED to authorise making of the proposed Oxfordshire County Council (Banbury) (Speed Limits) Order with provision for appropriate signing to support the Order.



Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:            Consultation Documentation


Contact Officer:                     James Wright Tel: 01865 815551


July 2009


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