Meeting documents

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 27 September 2005


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Division(s): N/A




Report by the Director for Learning & Culture


  1. On 22 June 2005 the Cabinet approved a draft outline Children & Young People’s Plan (CYPP) for consultation and further development. At that meeting the Cabinet Members for Children & Young People gave an undertaking that the draft would be referred for comment to this Committee before a revised draft of the CYPP is presented to Cabinet in October for approval for wider consultation.
  2. Accompanying this report are:

    1. a copy of the report to the Cabinet in June (download as .doc file), which sets out the processes involved and the machinery put in place for consultation and engagement; and
    2. an updated version of the draft outline CYPP (download as .doc file).

    Feedback and Development Work

  3. Since the report to Cabinet in June the CYPP Leads Group has met regularly and there has been good engagement from a wide range of partners, including colleagues in the directorates, Youth Offending Team, police, district councils and health services. The district councils have each nominated a senior lead officer to work with the County Council on the development of the Plan.
  4. Five multi-agency workshops, including voluntary sector partners, have been organised to work on the different aspects of the Plan:
  5. Make a Positive Contribution: 14 July 2005
    Enjoy and Achieve: 18 July 2005
    Achieve Economic Well-being: 12 September 2005
    Stay Safe: 19 September 2005
    Children with SEN/Disabilities: 4 October 2005
    Be Healthy 11 October 2005.

  6. The Director for Learning & Culture has held five briefing meetings for Headteachers and Chairs of Governors to discuss the draft Plan and receive their feedback. Children and young people and parents and carers are continuing to feed into the process through district councils, sounding boards and youth fora - their engagement in the development of the CYPP is key to its success.
  7. Refelceting feedback to date the draft outline CYPP now presented contains a number of amendments to the version presented to the Cabinet in June, in particular:
  8. - greater emphasis on the need to increase access to sport, play, leisure, out of school, community, cultural and arts activities;

    - greater emphasis on the needs of all children, not just those who are vulnerable, and on strategies to enable young people to make a positive contribution, rather than just tackling problems when they arise;

    - the outcomes and targets to be achieved have been significantly broadened so that they reflect a wider range of children’s needs and priorities from across the different agencies;

    - greater focus on the importance of meeting emotional and wellbeing needs of children and young people and helping them to "enjoy" as well as achieve;

    - inclusion of proposals for monitoring the impact of the Plan on outcomes for children and young people through a Children and Young People’s Strategic Board.

  9. Further changes will be made to the Plan in the light of the feedback from the Scrutiny Committee and the five workshops in time to feed back to the Cabinet on 18 October 2005. Members will note from the timetable at Annex 2 to the attached report that the draft Plan will be brought back to the Committee in the light of the outcome of the consultation process in February 2006.
  10. The draft CYPP was shared with inspectors as part of the Annual Performance Assessment of Children’s Services in July 2005. The inspectors highlighted the draft Plan as an area of good practice.

  12. The Scrutiny Committee is invited to consider the draft outline CYPP and offer any advice to the Cabinet for its consideration in determining the shape of the draft for consultation on 18 October 2005.

Director for Learning & Culture

Background papers: Nil

Contact officer: Gillian Tee, Head of Children’s Services Tel: 01865 815125

September 2005

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