Meeting documents

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 10 July 2007



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Background Information


1.                  The annual Youth Justice Plan is one of the strategic plans which is subject to approval by full Council following consideration by both the Cabinet and relevant Scrutiny Committee in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules set out in the Constitution.


2.                  Normally, each Youth Offending Service is required by statute to produce an annual Youth Justice Plan for approval by the constituent agencies that are responsible for the service. This has then to be submitted to the Youth Justice Board.  Core funding from the Board is dependent on the submission of a report that meets its extensive guidance.  Following the Council’s successful rating as a four-star authority, this requirement has been waived.  However, given the strategic importance of the youth justice agenda for the Council, a Youth Justice Plan has been drawn up and agreed by the Youth Offending Service Steering Group and is being submitted for approval in the normal way.


3.                  A copy of the Plan has been circulated to all Councillors and is available on the County Council website at ( and is available for public inspection.  The Plan will be considered by Cabinet on 17 July and by full Council on 11 September 2007 .  For the first time, the Youth Justice Board template has not been followed, although the content still covers all areas normally required by the Youth Justice Board and reviews performance as well as planning for the future.


4.                  Following investment in preventative services over the last four years, the number of new entrants to the youth justice system has reduced by 20%, already exceeding the Local Area Agreement target to be achieved by 2009.  However, all funding streams for preventative services for young offenders are currently at risk from April 2008, an essential year in achieving the Local Area Agreement target.  They include Children’s Fund, Positive Activities for Young People and the Youth Justice Board Prevention budget.  The Council will be asked to note this position.


5.                  On 17 July 2007 , the Cabinet will recommend the plan to full Council, having regard to any comments from this Committee.


Background Papers:            Nil


Contact Officer:                     Tan Lea, Acting Head of Youth  Offending Service

Tel (01865) 202218


June 2007


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