Meeting documents

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 10 July 2007

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[For reasons of resource efficiency, details of schools' charging policies should be systematically included in the inspection materials to be produced under the regular schools monitoring regime];REC E[To ask all schools to ensure their prospectuses include a summary of their charging policy;REC FsThat the Council perform, in effect, a sponsoring role- acting as the contact between local schools and businesses;REC GcTo engage the support of local MPs to promote the benefits of links between businesses and schools;REC H³To request Officers to report back on the prospect of or possibility of reviewing the music tuition charging policy in the light of the costs for music tuition in primary schools.=Agreed: Letter to heads and chairs of governors in September.*Agreed: Will include this in letter above.`Rejected: This is not proper to the SIP role or in line with the 'New Relationship with Schools'êA report can be produced detailing the allocation of such OCC funding for this purpose, this may not be possible by September. Details of non-OCC funding (eg via PTAs) are not readily available without consulting schools individually.REC D iiREC D iòTo ask the Children, Young People & Families Directorate to prepare by September 2006 a detailed report on the sources and allocation of funding to alleviate social deprivation for consideration by the Children's Services Scrutiny Committee. Ë& This report should include a specific assessment on the dedication/earmarking of a proportion of such funds to increase access to participation in school trips (particularly for schools in rural areas)/This information is not available at this time. REC D iiig& and, to this end, to henceforth include a specific line for school in the budget planning spreadsheet;GAgreed: Cabinet member for Schools Improvement will write to local MPs.OCC has no capacity to act in this way, as an intermediary between schools and businesses- that must be something for individual schools to do. ÃAgreed: This can be done and a line or perhaps lines will be added in relation to school trips and similar activities to enable future reports on these matters to be prepared without difficulty. ‡It is not a legal requirement to include summaries in prospectuses but we shall ask schools to consider doing so when we write to them.´The Music Service is part of the Directorate for Social and Community Services. It is suggested that the Director of the Music Service be invited to address the Scrutiny Committee.aAction on this decision was incorporated into the letter referred to at recommendation A above. 21.6.07OA report has been produced in will be available by the end of the week 29.6.07.@As indicated at Rec D1, the report will be available by 29.6.07 aThis decision was incorporated into the letter of 29.8.06 referred to in recommendation A above. DThe Cabinet Member wrote to local MPs. There had been no responses. 23rd May 2006 Julian Hehir:A statement and the policy was issued on 29th August 2006.LThis was not a role that was appropriate to the School Improvement Partners.‰The Directorate has reiterated that it cannot act in such a capacity and that local schools have closer contacts with businesses nearby. QThis decision is outstanding but it is open to the Cttee to extend the invitation at any stage.See Recs Di and ii.#Scrutiny Tracking Control Sheet ÿBÉ .q·úà´÷å( Kó 6 |'ÍÉ€ 0õM(K0“7¯>CEwHEI%J¯J  dü©ñÒMbP?_*+‚€%ÿÁ7 | 0-&L&7&F&C&7Page &P of &N&R&7Lawrie Stratfordƒ„&i4F£á?'i4F£á?(º\.—Ëåâ?)M&“Éd2é?M–\\TREAS-SERVER3\CE-COMSERV-4050ܸ?€ dXXLetter”.HP LaserJet 4050 Series PCL 62††xœeOKQÅï™yñiŒÚ ÕRµ¢.¦£¤š… M0E$ˆˆ+!6“dj¸7̤P)muÑE»è¦ý0Ŷ~wîZÿÔøfÔ xç<~¼{ÏåFÑý²@uÃXŸI¿Ã 9…òë–„{β_-¿m´"Ò)€HwÅ*m⧰ÑnË,p74x\´d¼žÏ‚§ 30-ï1DúSÜÛüþùþ ÒÛ*M…€ƒ¨pä—âŠ"³ˆ@Qìo÷@þÿ§ðŒø‚x òäœø’äx< q a÷¡BÜy€½ˆýŒh‹Ç¡&Ë?It$Ñ2Ú²-º©oîíË`ÕÁßïâTÿè`3î”’½„-Ë^6ÒÌ#†Eô‘¤Á½àŒÉQ&îUœVÒ£äHi­â=2‰þ1ys¤Ûë´Qk~Ë)…·üð¥³RrVË‘¾20ë=÷œg׶–+-­.äê͝ªçÍ×ÜJ£‘ÛôÃ(v²îü 7þåfç¼ä»Ðæ¨&ê ibX¡" dXX ƒÁ`à? ƒÁ`à?U} m } ¶}  } Û } $ õ h@ ÿ J@  ; ; ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ   ÿ h@ ð@ ÿ  ÿ  ÿ€ ÿ€ ÿ @ ÿ ð@ Z` ÿ  ÿ  ÿ  ÿ  ÿ  ÿ  ÿ ÿý ]<¾]]]]]]]]] ¾]]]]]]]]]] ¾^^^^^^^^^^ ý 9<ý - ¾....ý = ¾ ./ ¾0121111113 ý :;ý 1 ¾1111113 ¾0111111113 ý :~ U ëâ@¾ 415ý ;>ý 141ý  3¾0111111113 ý : ;ý 1¾ 11ý ; ;ý 15¾ 13 ¾ 01111ý ;  ;ý 1¾ 13 ¾ 6777777778 ¾ ! ý %ý W¾ WWWWWWWW ¾WWWWWWWWW ¾WWWWWWWWW ¾WWWWWWWWW ý & ý *¾DDDDDDDE ¾ ý _¾  _ ý (/¾`````````` ¾`````````` ¾`````````` ¾`````````` ¾`````````` ¾`````````` ¾`````````` ¾`````````` ¾`````````` ¾`````````` ý T6¾   ¾! ×D–l*T>jhH66*& J@!,@"ÿ#ÿ$ÿ%ÿ&h@'ÿ@(Ã@)ÿ*ÿ+h,ÿ-í@.•@/ÿ0 ÿ1 ÿ2 ÿ3 Ã@4 ±`5  6 ÿ7 h8 ,@9 ÿ: ÿ; ï@< ¤@= J@> ÿ@? 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