Meeting documents

Adult Services Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 8 July 2009


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Division(s): All








Report by Director for Social & Community Services


Purpose of the Report


1.                  The purpose of this report is to update this Scrutiny Committee on the current ‘Independence, Wellbeing and Choice’ inspection being undertaken by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).




2.                  The inspection is part of a national programme which began in August 2007. To date 40 authorities (out of the 150 responsible for adult social care) have been inspected. In the current round of inspections (April – August 2009) a further 17 authorities, including Oxfordshire, are being inspected. The last comparable inspection in Oxfordshire was an inspection of Older People’s services in 2004.


3.                  All ‘Independence, Wellbeing and Choice’ inspections look at how vulnerable adults are kept safe. The CQC also choose additional outcomes to inspect. In Oxfordshire the inspection is also reviewing how we are improving the ‘Health and Wellbeing’ of older people and how we are increasing their ‘Choice and Control’ over services. Each inspection also reviews leadership and commissioning and use of resources.


How Performance is Assessed


4.                  The inspection is undertaken by a team of three inspectors. One of the inspectors is an ‘expert by experience’. This means that they have direct experience of using social care services, though not in Oxfordshire.  The inspection process has three key phases – an initial assessment, fieldwork and final assessment.


5.                  The inspectors provided an initial assessment on 22 May. This is attached as Annex 1 (download as .ppt file) to this report. The initial assessment was based on:


·        The completion of a self assessment by the local authority.

·        A review of key documents produced by the authority, strategy, plans, performance reports etc.

·        A review of public information provided.

·        Feedback from key partner organisations including other statutory partners, independent providers and local user groups.

·        Responses to a questionnaire sent out by the CQC to 150 clients.

·        The review of case summaries and management critiques of 16 cases chosen from our current case lists by the CQC.


6.                  The inspectors have undertaken fieldwork in Oxfordshire from 17-19 June and 24-26 June. They are required to spend at least 40% of their time in contact with clients and service users. The fieldwork has included:


·        Interviewing clients about their experiences

·        Interviewing the case workers of those clients

·        Meeting with staff, managers, service providers, partner organisations, third party organisations, advocates and councillors

·        Meeting with carers

·        Site visits to services

·        A public meeting


7.                  On 6 July the inspectors will provide headline feedback on the inspection. The draft inspection report is expected by 17 July, to inform the annual review meeting on 23 July. The council has until 24 July to comment on the report. A final report will be presented to a meeting of Cabinet in October, together with an action plan by the County Council to address any issues raised in the inspection.




8.                  The Scrutiny Committee is RECOMMENDED to note this report.




Director for Social & Community Services



Background Papers:            Nil


Contact Officer:                     Steve Thomas, Performance Information Manager

Tel: (01865) 323609


June 2009


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