Agenda item

Service & Resource Planning 2013/14 - 2016/17

The report (which is to be considered by each of the Scrutiny Committees on 10 January 2013) forms part of a series relating to the Service and Resource Planning process for 2013/14 to 2016/17.

Each Committee will meet in turn to consider the Business Strategies and savings proposed for their service areas. Comments from each Committee will then be considered by Strategy & Partnerships Scrutiny Committee on 17 January 2013 prior to being fed back to Cabinet in order that they can take the comments into consideration in proposing their budget and Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) at the end of January 2013. Council will meet to agree the budget and MTFP on 19 February 2013.

The following annexes are attached:

Annex 1

Assumptions in current Medium Term Financial Plan and overview of position reported to Cabinet in September and December 2012

Annex 2

Updated Business Strategies 2013/14 – 2014/15:

a)   Children, Education & Families

b)   Adult Social Care

c)   Fire & Rescue, Emergency Planning & Community Safety

d)   Environment & Economy

e)   Chief Executive’s Office incorporating Cultural Services


Annex 3

New pressures & proposed new savings by Scrutiny Committee responsibility/remit

Annex 4

Service & Community Impact Assessments (SCIAS)

SCIAS will be available on the OCC website via this link from Friday 4th January.

Annex 5

Proposed capital schemes

Annex 6

Service Areas to be considered by each Scrutiny Committee

The Director together with the Cabinet Member for the relevant Directorate will be available to respond to questions.



Judith Heathcoat asked members to note that this was the third year of a four year planning cycle and to bear this in mind with their considerations. She also thanked officers for their hard work and professionalism in the continued delivery of the business strategy that is going to plan.


Lorna Baxter gave an overview of the report to the committee. In response to questions for clarification the following points were noted:


·        The changes in the planning were mainly due to changes in the way certain grants are treated by central government.

·        That some of the grants were not ring fenced and could be used flexibly.


Dave Etheridge gave an overview of proposals relating to Fire and Rescue and Community Safety. In response to questions for clarification the following points were noted:


·        The recently announced funding for flood reduction measures are not for emergency response so would fall under the remit of Economy and Environment.

·        Whole time fire-fighters can be used as a ‘standing asset’ to carry out prevention work. Retained staff are only used for emergency work so are not available to work as a ‘standing asset’.

·        Both whole time and retained fire fighters are trained to the same high level, so that when called upon they can deliver the highest quality service the public expect, recognising the need for ‘real-life’ scenario training.


Peter Clark gave an overview of proposals relating to Registration Services, Coroners and Cultural Services. In response to questions for clarification the following points were noted:


·        Plans to meet previously agreed savings were on track and that there were no additional savings required

·        Members’ appreciation for protecting the currently agreed service and resource plans for both library services and Fire and Rescue.

·        Oxfordshire buck the national trend and have seen an increase in the number of weddings carried out, focusing on marketing our high quality venues.


·        Military repatriations are carried out at no additional cost to the council as a result of grants received.


The committee agreed to support the business strategies, savings proposals and pressures for the relevant service areas taking account of the Service and Community Impact Assessments.


In giving their support, members stated they wished to note the difficulty of working to make decisions without being in full receipt of all information from Central Government, regarding available funding.


The committee recognised that planned savings are being delivered, and although there are challenges ahead Officers are confident that the services are well placed to address them.

Supporting documents: