Agenda item

Director's Update



John Jackson, Director for Social and Community Services, will give an update on local and national issues.



The Director for Social and Community Services discussed his attendance at the recent national Conference for Directors of Social Services. It was highlighted that despite recent ministerial changes, the political agenda for social care remains broadly similar, with an emphasis on prevention, early intervention, and care in the community. On the question of the likely implementation of Dilnot recommendations, the Director highlighted that there appeared to be differences of opinion within the government. The officer view remains that whilst the Dilnot recommendations would address an important source of inequality within the system, they will not resolve the issue of a future shortfall in funding as a result of demographic pressures.


The Director also discussed his recent attendance at a meeting of the Health Select Committee, which looked at the implications of the spending review on the health and social care system. It was AGREED that the Committee Officer would distribute the transcript of the meeting to members of this committee.


The Director made the following statement regarding the recent Panorama documentary on Winterbourne View aired on October 29th:


On 29th October, Panorama ran a follow up to its previous piece on Winterbourne View, a hospital for people with learning disabilities and mental health needs.


The programme was put together to coincide with the sentencing of employees working at Winterbourne View, a facility run by a private company called Castlebeck, for offences committed and filmed by Panorama in 2011.


An inpatient facility in Wiltshire run by the Ridgeway Partnership (the Oxfordshire Learning Disability NHS Trust), Postern House was featured in the follow-up as two of the service users featured in the programme had spent time there.


Neither of the individuals featured in the Panorama programme are from Oxfordshire. However, as the county council commissions significant services from Ridgeway, it is important that we brief you on the content of the programme and on ongoing work that the county council undertakes to ensure these services meet high standards.


The programme did not suggest that there has been systematic unchallenged abuse at Postern House as in the case of Winterbourne View. However, the programme did make reference to incidents involving the two individuals which required investigation and action by Ridgeway.


The safety of service users is of the utmost importance. If concerns are raised about services purchased by us we investigate to ensure people are safe and being looked after properly. Oxfordshire County Council works with the NHS Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire PCT and our providers to ensure services for people with learning disabilities are of high quality and appropriate for the needs of the service users. Following the original exposure of abuse by Panorama, Oxfordshire reviewed its commissioning arrangements and has strengthened processes for pre-placement quality checks, tools for reviewing placements, and guidance for staff.


In Oxfordshire we have processes in place that regularly review adults with learning disabilities in inpatient hospital services. This includes monthly reviews of all patients, their care needs and their progress and an annual review of services which includes interviews with patients, staff, carers and families, unannounced visits of services and review of care and progress. We also look at any reviews undertaken by the Care Quality Commission who have recently reviewed inpatient services and found services in Oxfordshire fully compliant.

In view of the fact that the Ridgeway facility was featured in the Panorama programme, we have been working with the NHS Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire PCT to:

·        Assure ourselves that Oxfordshire patients are safe and well supported

·        Ensure Oxfordshire service users and families who are supported by Ridgeway (especially the 10 people in inpatient services) are assured of their own safety, and have access to information and support”


It was AGREED that Southern Health should be invited to a future meeting of the committee.


The committee were informed that the chairmen of Adult Services and Health Overview Scrutiny Committees have scheduled a meeting with the Care Quality Commission. It was AGREED that Sara Livadeas would attend the meeting and that the committee would be informed of the outcome of the discussions.


The Director gave the committee a preliminary update on the response to the day opportunities consultation. A full report will be brought to the December 17th meeting of the scrutiny committee.


The response to the consultation was felt to be broadly positive. It was emphasised that primary importance would be given to the responses of the services users affected by the consultation (i.e. users not eligible for financial support under the fairer changing scheme).


The Cabinet Member for Adult Services stated that he appreciates the challenge given by the committee on the matter and that a full report will be presented to Adult Scrutiny Committee on 17th December 2012 prior to going to cabinet in January 2013.


Sara Livadeas AGREED to distribute an updated summary on the structure of County Council funded Day Opportunities.