Agenda item

Bicester Town Centre Access Improvements

Forward Plan Ref: 2012/080

Contact: Daniel Round, Strategic Policy Manager Tel: (01865) 815623


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Strategy & Infrastructure Planning) (CMDDL4).





The Deputy Leader considered (CMDDL4) proposals to improve access to Bicester town centre for all modes of transport.


Mr Grace who had particular concerns regarding Queens Avenue considered the proposals would only serve to increase speeds and volume of traffic thereby increasing NO2 emissions in that area, which already exceeded annual mean levels set under the Environmental Act 1995.  There were also additional threats to Queens Avenue, particularly to the natural spring in a private garden fronting the Avenue and to several mature trees and green verge, which were at risk with no agreed replacement plan.  He called for a full EIA to be carried out and suggested traffic calming measures could be used to prevent traffic.


Mr Cantelli’s main objection related to North Street. North Street was wide  with parking on either side with mixed use and not just residential and he felt the report did not accurately reflect that.  The proposals would radically change its character and all businesses in North street had been opposed to the change.  He considered the proposals for North Street would not alleviate traffic problems but could, perversely, have the opposite effect to what it was hoped to achieve and therefore the status quo should be preserved. 


Councillor Michael Waine accepted that the scheme would inevitably affect the long standing habits of many people but he was broadly in favour. The scheme had the potential to address real problems, particularly on Buckingham Road and had been introduced to improve traffic flow and create a better environment in Bicester and not just, as some had perceived, to alleviate weekend congestion emanating from visitors to the Bicester Village retail outlet. He did, however, have some concerns regarding the right turn out of Bucknell Road  and suggested that that should be reviewed in 12 months.


Councillor Charles Shouler also broadly supported the scheme which was the first major review in Bicester since 1991. Changes to the 5 arm roundabout would promote significant benefits for Buckingham Road, access to the multi storey car park would be improved and replacement of the lights in St John’s Street was a key element.  Changes to North Street would benefit residents many of whom had praised the scheme and although there might be some detrimental effect to businesses he felt that that would not prove to be as bad as some had feared.  He supported a 12 month review of the right turn out of Bucknell Road.


Mr Round confirmed that it was a District Council responsibility to declare air quality management areas and in this case Cherwell District Council had chosen not to do so.  However, by reducing the stop start nature of traffic and improving traffic flow in the Queens Avenue area it was hoped that air quality levels would improve. Monitoring was currently carried out and county officers would continue to work closely with Cherwell District Council. With regard to concerns regarding retention of the character of Queens Avenue itself he advised that if this stage of the process was approved then the next stage would consider detailed design and again it was hoped, as part of that stage, to be able to retain as many trees as possible.  Regarding North Street the scheme had been designed to address problems in Bicester in totality and did not lend itself to removing one element in isolation. The scheme was multi modal offering benefits to bus users, pedestrians and cyclists as well as car users and extensive modelling suggested the scheme would be robust enough to cope with expected growth over the next 10 years.  Overall results from the consultation had been 59% in favour and amendments had been made to the scheme to meet some of the concerns expressed, which included those made by Mr Palmer Clark a resident of St John’s Street. Mr Round confirmed that officers would be happy to review the Bucknell Road right turn after 12 months and that discussions were being held with Sainsburys regarding the timing of the works in the context of the Manorsfield Road development.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him at this meeting and the further considerations set out above the Deputy Leader of the Council confirmed his decisions on this matter as follows:


(a)                   note the responses received as part of the consultation;


(b)                   agree proposed changes to the scheme, as outlined in paragraph 11 to the report CMDDL4;


(c)                    subject to approving the changes, approve the scheme for detailed design and construction;


(d)                   authorise the Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Strategy & Infrastructure Planning) in consultation with the Deputy Leader of the Council, to make minor amendments to the scheme; and


(e)                   approve the making of the Oxfordshire County Council (Bicester) (Traffic Regulation) (Amendment) Order 20** as advertised and set out at Annex 9 to the report CMDDL4;


(f)         ask officers to undertake a review of the turning restrictions at the junction of Bucknell Road and Field Street twelve months after scheme construction, in particular, the impact of the removal of the right-turn ban from Bucknell Road.





Deputy Leader of the Council




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