Agenda item

Frideswide Square Design Approaches

Forward Plan Ref: 2010/215

Contact: Craig Rossington, Principal Transport Planner Tel: (01865) 815575

10.10  am


Report by Deputy Director of Environment & Economy – Highways & Transport (CMDT4).







The Cabinet Member for Transport considered a report outlining progress on plans to transform Frideswide Square noting further comments submitted on behalf of Rescue Oxford which had been tabled with the addenda at the meeting.


Councillor Armitage referred to the positive local feedback to the consultation.  He supported the principles set out in the paper but stressed the need to address cycle safety and access for delivery vehicles.


Mr Rossington advised that wider public consultation would be undertaken in the autumn which would pick up issues such as cycling safety and access for delivery vehicles.


The Cabinet Member thanked officers for their work so far on this important and innovative project.  The scheme formed an important part of the Transform Oxford plans and had been recognised as such at central government level.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above the Cabinet Member for Transport confirmed his decision as follows:


(a)                     proceed with design work and public consultation on design approach D (“road split” and “central road” only);


(b)                    develop a business case to support a bid for any appropriate government funding.

Supporting documents: