Agenda item

Report of the Cabinet

Report from Leader of the Council.


The report summarises the decisions from the Cabinet meeting on 16 July 2024.



Council received the report of Cabinet covering the Cabinet meeting on 16 July 2024.


On Item 1 Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership - Board Appointments, Councillor Brighouse asked for a full report on the transfer of the functions of OxLEP to the County Council and how it will relate to the newly established Skills England.


Councillor Leffman responded that Cabinet was reviewing what the structure of OxLEP will be going forwards and she believed they had until October to make that decision.  The Skills Bootcamp had been very successful.  The aim was to provide upskilling for people to have the opportunity for better jobs especially in the green economy and retrofitting homes for example.


On item 2, Treasury Management Annual Performance 2023/24, Councillor Bartholomew questioned whether further LOBO (Lender Option Borrowed Option) loans would be called-in and what impact this would have on the County Council’s finances. Councillor Levy stated that he would ask officers for more details, but that with interest rates falling, the impact was expected to be positive.


On item 3, Business Management & Monitoring Report - May 2024, Councillors Baines and Povolotsky asked if the 20% increase in the charges for the Home to School Transport Spare Seats Scheme was a barrier to working class children getting the best education and if it was not higher than general inflation in the sector.  Councillor Levy responded that he did not believe it was a class issue – all children had to get to school.  The Council would not charge any more than it had to, given increased operating costs of the services. He stated that the Council would continue to work with the providers and schools to ensure they get best value for money.


Councillor Enright asked if the data on road defects could be broken down by locality and if Members could have the opportunity to provide feedback.  Councillor Levy welcomed the suggestion and responded that he would take it up with officers.


Councillor Phillips asked about public support for Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and traffic filters and if the Cabinet will continue to implement them without public support.  Councillor Levy responded that he believed that the policies being followed were popular and that the public will have an opportunity to express their views in the Council election in May 2025.


Councillor Bartholomew asked the Cabinet Member to provide details of the steps being taken to recover debt owed to the County Council. Councillor Levy promised to send a written response.


On item 4, Capital Programme Update and Monitoring Report- July 2024, Councillor Baines asked why the additional £4m SEN Capital Grant has not been used to meet growing SEN demand across the county.  Councillor Levy responded that the money was put aside by this Council before the amount of the funding from the Government was known.  When the Council receives money from the Government it is used as intended.


Councillor Cherry asked when work would start on the new library in Banbury.  Councillor Levy responded that he understood fitting out was imminent and that the people of Banbury would have the long-awaited library in the near future.


Councillor Enright asked if there had been any update from Homes England on HIF2 (Housing Infrastructure Fund).  Councillor Levy responded that the engagement with Homes England had been positive and it was close to the point where the Council would be able to commit.


Councillor Bartholomew asked how the Cabinet Member could justify the forecast £1m in-year increase in cost for Zero Emission Zones referred to in the report.  Councillor Levy responded that a recent report to Oxford City Council demonstrated huge advances in air quality in the city and he looked forward to further clean air measures going forwards.


On item 5, Didcot Garden Town Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF1) - Amendments to the Grant Determination Agreement, Councillor Hicks asked if Cabinet would take on board the vison-led approach advocated in the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework which has gone out to consultation.  Councillor Roberts confirmed that the Cabinet would respond positively to that aspect of the framework as it was consistent with this Council’s LTCP5 (Local Transport and Connectivity Plan).


Councillor Reeves reflected upon the increases to the taxpayer because of the delay to the scheme and asked how much of this would affect local taxpayers in Oxfordshire.  Councillor Roberts responded that she would provide a written answer.


Councillor Bennett asked if the Cabinet Member would commit to a review of the forecasts for HIF1 at the end of the process and if she could give him information on the S106 monies that will be available in his division.  Councillor Roberts agreed that there would be a lessons-learned exercise for HIF1.  She added that the Council was working towards a system whereby Members could check the Section 106 monies in their area online.


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