Agenda item

Transfer of Trusteeship of the Charlotte Coxe Trust to Watlington Parish Council

The information in the Annexes in this case is exempt in that it falls within the following prescribed category:


3. Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) and since it is considered that, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.


5. Information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings


If members are satisfied, having considered the legal advice at Annex 1 to this report and the presentation received from Watlington Parish Council at the meeting on 22 June 2022, that transferring the trusteeship and assets of the Charlotte Coxe Trust to Watlington Parish Council with a “rent free” lease back of the library space to Oxfordshire County Council is appropriate,  the Committee is RECOMMENDED to:


a)              Approve the transfer of the trusteeship and assets of the Charlotte Coxe Trust from Oxfordshire County Council to Watlington Parish Council, provided that Watlington Parish Council provides an indemnity in respect of liabilities which arise after the date of the transfer;

b)              At the time of the transfer, place a legal obligation on Watlington Parish Council to grant a lease of Watlington Library back to Oxfordshire County Council on the terms summarised in Annex 5; and

c)               Request Oxfordshire County Council to report to the Committee after completion of the transfer with a justification of any professional fees requested for the financial, legal and estates work its officers have carried out, which it (or the Committee) may then seek to recover from the Trust.



The information in the Annexes in this case is exempt in that it falls within the following prescribed category:


3. Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) and since it is considered that, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.


5. Information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings




a)              Approve the transfer of the trusteeship and assets of the Charlotte Coxe Trust from Oxfordshire County Council to Watlington Parish Council, provided that Watlington Parish Council provides an indemnity in respect of liabilities which arise after the date of the transfer;


b)              At the time of the transfer, place a legal obligation on Watlington Parish Council to grant a lease of Watlington Library back to Oxfordshire County Council on the terms summarised in Annex 5; and


c)              Request Oxfordshire County Council to report to the Committee after completion of the transfer with a justification of any professional fees requested for the financial, legal and estates work its officers have carried out, which it (or the Committee) may then seek to recover from the Trust.


Supporting documents: