Agenda item

Extent of the Highway Northfield End Area of Henley-on-Thames

Forward Plan Ref: 2010/036

Contact: Kevin Haines, Group Manager, Policy & Asset Management Tel: (01865) 815687


Report by Head of Transport (CMDT4).




The Cabinet Member for Transport considered a report concerning changes to the extent of the known highway in the Northfield End area of Henley-on-Thames and the implication of this change to the County Council as local highway authority. A possible statutory solution for one area was also considered.  


Mrs Chumas a local resident spoke in relation to the spaces in front of 92-102 Bell Street commenting that she had bought her space for peace of mind and security as there was a great shortage of public and residents bays. She also referred to the difficulties of a resident of Bell Street who was disabled and would agree only on the basis of having 2 car parking spaces.  Local people had bought the spaces in good faith, would be eligible for compensation but mostly did not want it but wished to keep the spaces they had. She felt there was a false assumption in respect of the footway argument as they did drive over it.


Alan Jones spoke in support of the findings of the Council and supported the stopping up of Bells Lane. Mr Rosen agreed with Mr Jones and supported the recommendations of the consultants for the status quo.


Mr Stott, speaking in relation to the school Street spoke against the Consultant’s findings and suggested that a recommendation (c) include 90 Bell Street in any consultations. He commented that the 4 parking bays were used habitually and had been repaired and maintained. He referred to recent advice and the views of Henley Town Council who had asked that 90 Bell Street be excluded. He hoped that there would be a decision to include 90 Bell Street in any stopping up.


Mr McGruer, speaking on behalf of Chesterton Commercial referred to the historic position in relation to parking on Bell Street. He did not seek to challenge the consultants report but was dismayed at the conclusions. They had purchased four spaces and supported the proposal to stop up the highway on the basis that it was not needed. He commented that a key question was whether there were suitable alternative spaces available and that there were no useful public spaces.


Jose Gournal  spoke in relation to 98 Bell Street where there was limited parking in front. Careful parking was required. She expressed concerns at the costs of the proposals to the County Council and reiterated other speakers in noting that she had bought the space properly and supported the status quo.


Mr Sanders and Mr Peters, residents of Northfield End also spoke in favour of the status quo. 


Mr Russell, Mrs Weait and Mrs Hutton, residents directly affected by parking from 92-102 Bell Street spoke against the parking continuing on the grounds of emergency access, safety for pedestrians particularly children, heritage aspects of the area and that historically it had been highway.


Mrs Hare expressed concern for her mother’s safety as a resident in the area and highlighted the Rupert House delivery vehicles as a particular problem.


Councillor David Nimmo-Smith highlighted the history of the site and that the situation was not of the Council’s choosing. He supported the original stopping up order.


Officers confirmed that there would be further consultation if proposals did go forward. He responded to points about stopping up the pavement referring back to the magistrate’s view and that if included it would fail as the pavement was a necessary footpath.


Councillor Rose commented that he had spent some time looking at this matter and had visited the area. He thanked officers who had also spent a great deal of time on it  He proposed an additional recommendation that the Head of Transport consult the Town Council over the stopping up in front of 90 Bell Street and that it be included if agreement was reached.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above the Cabinet member for Transport confirmed his decision as follows:





(a)           accept the consultant’s final report dated March 2010 and endorse its conclusions;


(b)           authorise the Head of Transport to update the authority’s highway record map in line with the consultant’s conclusions and inform the landowners/residents affected;


(c)           authorise the Head of Transport to undertake pre-application consultations associated with a stopping up of the highway for the area shown cross hatched on drawing no. 786/G183C under section 116 of the Highways Act 1980 and if the consultations support the proposal authorise the Solicitor to the Council at the direction of the Head of Transport to make an application to the Magistrates’ Court for an order stopping up this section of highway on the grounds that it is unnecessary;


(d)           authorise the Head of Transport to include Northfield End, Bell Street and Bell Lane in Henley-on-Thames in the parking review including any associated minor works and consult all the residents and businesses affected and where possible arrange planting licenses with the administration costs to be met by the County Council but subject to the satisfactory resolution of the public liability insurance issue;


(e)      authorise the Head of Transport to consult with the Henley town Council again regarding the stopping up in front of No. 90 Bell Street and to include this in the process if they are in agreement.

Supporting documents: