Agenda and minutes

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Environment (including Transport) - Thursday, 21 November 2013 10.30 am

Venue: County Hall, New Road, Oxford

Contact: Graham Warrington  Tel: (01865) 815321; E-Mail:

No. Item


Petitions and Public Address


The following petitions were presented:


·                    To keep the 32 direct bus service from Grove to Harwell Campus, Didcot and Milton Park (at least at peak hours)


Jean Nunn-Price presented the petition on behalf of Grove Parish Council.  She advised that if this service was withdrawn there would be no direct service to Harwell and Milton Park and similarly no access to services to Grove for people living along the A417.  Patronage was mixed but represented a lifeline for many people including mothers with young children and workers who relied heavily on this service. The petition had 300 signatures of which 1/3 were from Grove bus users with more to come which demonstrated the depth of concern and she urged the County Council to help maintain the service.


The Cabinet Member received the petition and referred it to the Deputy Director for Environmental Services to respond.   


·                    Introduction of measures to reduce the risk of accidents at the exit from the cycle track from Cherwell School to Lonsdale Road.


The petition was presented by Christa Laird and County Councillor Jean Fooks who stressed the existence of a very dangerous situation.  Christa Laird as a keen cyclist supported the use of cycle lanes but stressed the dangers which existed at the entrance and exits.  She herself had been knocked off her bicycle by another cyclist and there was plenty of anecdotal evidence of similar incidents.  This had prompted her to request replacement of the former barrier at the end of the track but to no avail and white stop lines had done little to alleviate the dangers from cyclists speeding out of the lane and recently one had done so and collided with a car visiting a resident in Lonsdale Road.  The track was invisible until you were right in front of it and cyclists needed to slow down or stop before they reached the junction.  The white stop lines painted on the road and pavement had done very little to slow cyclists down although a sign had been erected telling cyclists to give way to pedestrians. Positive suggestions had included re-erection of various types of barrier, mirrors, cyclists dismount signs, a barrier at the kerb.  She had limited collection of signatures to residents in Lonsdale Road who were most affected by this and although by no means were schoolchildren solely to blame many did use the path and therefore the co-operation of Cherwell school could help improve the situation.


The Cabinet Member received the petition and referred it to the Deputy Director for Environmental Services to respond.   









Derek Taylor (Risinghurst & Sandhills Parish Council)

County Councillor Roz Smith (Risinghurst & Sandhills Parish Council)

City Councillor Mike Rowley

City Councillor Dee Sinclair

County Councillor Glynis Phillips


)4. Consideration of objections to

) Experimental Traffic Regulation

) Order – Banned Turns on A40

) Risinghurst




Robert Smith (Local resident)

County Councillor Roz Smith (Local Member)


) 6. Proposed Removal of Parking )Bay – Lime Walk, Headington




Consideration of Objections to Experimental Traffic Regulation Order - Banned Turns on A40 Risinghurst pdf icon PDF 215 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2013/069

Contact: Jim Daughton, Highways & Transport Manger Tel: (01865) 815083


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy - Commercial & Delivery (CMDE4).





The Cabinet Member for Environment considered a proposal to make a permanent traffic regulation order prohibiting right turns into and out of Collinwood Road in the light of comments received to a public consultation following an experimental order which closed the gap in the central reservation of the A40 and the Collinwood Road junction.


Mr Taylor supported action  but the aspiration remained very much a junction as had been provided at Kiln Lane.  There had been discussion regarding this and if funds were to become available could this restriction be lifted at a future date and a light controlled junction installed.  He also requested that the turn into the estate from Wheatley be widened.  Although no accidents had bee recorded here he had personally witnessed a bus clipping the end of a car at this point.


Councillor Roz Smith agreed that a safe entry and exit was required and she regretted that some of the capital funding spent on the Abingdon Road roundabout had not been directed here and a safe crossing was needed. If lights could not be provided then at least a sign warning that pedestrians were crossing should be provided as most cars were speeding at this point. Possibly consideration could now be given to directing some of the Barton development money to providing a crossing.


City Councillor Mike Rowley advised that a recent survey had shown 200 people crossing over a 12 hour period equating to 1 every 3 ½ minutes with a concentration at either end of the day. Therefore some form of traffic control was needed urgently and there was lot of local support for a crossing.  Traffic was also accelerating at this point which was 50 meters from the change of speed limit and as a minimum signage should be provided to encourage drivers to stick to the speed limit and visibility of existing signing improved.


City Councillor Dee Sinclair referred to support expressed over recent years at County level and locally for a crossing but unfortunately the cheaper option was to closed the junction but in reality the only real safe option was to provide signals.  A recent survey had indicated 75.5% in favour of a solution other than the junction being fully open or closed.  She hoped that it would not take a fatal incident to prompt action.


County Councillor Glynis Phillips referred to local calls for the gap to be reopened.  Pressure in this area would only increase with the Barton development with a large body of support for provision of a crossing. She called for the traffic management review to be undertaken by the end of the year and opportunities taken to put this right.  She asked how permanent the restriction would be and assumed that it could be reversed if it was found that the gap could be reopened.


Mr Tole confirmed that this was a permanent restriction but if consultation was undertaken on a light controlled junction then that would also include consultation on reopening the gap  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20/13


Proposed Parking Restrictions - Various Locations in Littlemore and Iffley Turn, Oxford pdf icon PDF 302 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2013/137

Contact: Jim Daughton, Highways & Transport Service Manager Tel: (01865) 815083


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy – Commercial & Delivery (CMDE5).






The Cabinet Member for Environment considered (CMDE5) objections received to a formal consultation on proposals to introduce new parking restrictions in various locations in Littlemore and Iffley Turn


Councillor Gill Sanders (Rose Hill & Littlemore) had expressed her support for the recommendation.


Councillor John Tanner thanked the Cabinet Member and the officers for their help on this issue.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above the Cabinet Member for Environment confirmed his decision as follows:


(a)               approve the proposed parking restriction for Cardinal Close, Littlemore as advertised;


(b)       approve the proposed parking restrictions in the Iffley Turn area as advertised but that the situation be reviewed in 12 months to see if further action was required, as set out in the report CMDE5.




Cabinet Member for Environment








Proposed Removal of Parking Bay - Lime Walk, Headington pdf icon PDF 197 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2013/136

Contact: Jim Daughton, Highways & Transport Service Manager Tel: (01865) 815083


At his meeting on 10 October 2013 the Cabinet Member for Environment considered objections which had been received to a formal consultation on a proposal to introduce a new parking restriction to remove a parking bay on Lime Walk in the Headington Central CPZ, which had been required as a result of an adjacent development site. A copy of the report to the 10 October meeting is attached.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in that report and the representations made to him at the October meeting the Cabinet Member deferred the proposal to introduce the restriction to enable further consideration to be given to the matter and if necessary to reconsider it at this meeting.


Officers will give an verbal update at the meeting.


On 10 October 2013 the Cabinet Member for Environment deferred a decision on a proposal to introduce a new parking restriction which had been received to a formal consultation on a proposal to introduce a new parking restriction to remove a parking bay on Lime Walk in the Headington Central CPZ and which had been required as a result of an adjacent development site to enable further consideration to be given to the matter and then reconsidered at this meeting.


Also before him were additional representations from the residents at 129B Lime Walk in support of retention of a double yellow line.


Robert Smith spoke in support of retention a restriction as to do other wise would effectively block one of the parking spaces outside his property.  He and his wife both needed a car and she needed access from the property at varying times.


Councillor Roz Smith  referred to the long and complicated history and lack of communication between the parties concerned.  She supported provision for off road parking which also served as useful traffic calming against cars speeding in Lime Walk itself and its junction with Old Road. She suggested a compromise of provision of one space and a yellow line to enable sufficient access for Mr and Mrs Smith. At the October meeting she had suggested provision of a white line, the need for visitor parking and allow the residents association to construct a build out.


Mr Tole advised that there was no one solution which would meet all concerns but he was now proposing the creation of a 5m long bay just south of the property boundary between 129B and 129 extending 2.5m long each side. The rest of the frontage of 129 would be double yellow lines and subject to funding availability from the Area Stewardship fund the kerb alongside the proposed bay would be raised and footway levels adjusted accordingly. Whereas the bay that was being removed was ‘permit holders only’ the revised proposal would have the single-vehicle bay as a 2-hour shared use bay with the same restrictions as apply to the existing bay on the opposite side of Lime Walk, thus making it useable by visitors to 128A/B/C.  White lining was only advisory and whilst they worked well in residential areas in that they helped avoid bits of yellow lining in this case he was concerned that it could send out mixed messages as it would cover the entire length of the bay. The community wanted to see a reduction in traffic speed and he had made it clear to the residents’ association that there was no objection to a traffic calming build out if done properly and at their cost.  He was not convinced that a parking bay would achieve that level of calming.  He commended the compromise scheme.


Having visited the site the Cabinet Member had not been convinced that the parking bay should be retained and he understood the concerns expressed by Mr Smith.


Having regard to the arguments  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22/13


Charges for Landowner Statements and Declarations (public rights of way & village greens) pdf icon PDF 111 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2013/153

Contact: Steve Smith, Highways & Transport Service Manager Tel: (01865) 810435


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy – Commercial & Delivery (CMDE7).



Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member considered (CMDE7) the effect of new regulations under the Commons (Registration of Town & Village Greens) and Dedicated Highways (Landowner Statements and Declarations) Regulations 2013 with regard to the registration of town and village greens and the effect those applications were having on the planning system.


Ms Coghlan confirmed the fee set was a break even fee and comparable to other counties and broadly in keeping with the average charge being set.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above the Cabinet Member for Environment confirmed his decision as follows:


a)                 approve the principle of charging fees for applications made under The Commons (Registration of Town or Village Greens) and Dedicated Highways (Landowner Statements and Declarations) (England) Regulations 2013 as set out in the schedule above to take immediate effect and


b)                 approve that the scale of fees as varying from £180 - £220 andas set out within this report be added within the Councils published list of charges. 





Cabinet Member for Environment

