Agenda and minutes

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 12 July 2012 10.00 am

Venue: County Hall

Contact: Lisa Michelson, Tel: (01865) 815673  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


Apologies were received from Councillor Mohammed Altaf-Khan who was replaced by Councillor Roz Smith.  Apologies were also received from Cllr Neil Owen.



Declarations of Interest - see guidance note on the back page




Minutes pdf icon PDF 99 KB

To approve the minutes (CH03) of the meeting held on 17 May 2012 and to note for information any matters arising from them.


It was noted that Cllr Marilyn Badcock should be listed as the deputy chairman on the agenda.


Lisa Michelson, scrutiny officer, agreed to circulate the requested information about comparative data for the stability of long term placements.


Speaking to or petitioning the Committee




Forward Plan





Education Strategy Discussion pdf icon PDF 93 KB



In depth discussion on the Education Strategy and its major strands. 


Officers in attendance

Frances Craven – Deputy Director, Education and Early Intervention

Roy Leach – School Organisation and Planning Manager

and Claudia Wade – School Support and Leadership Services Manager


            10.30 Overview and updates

            10.40 Strand 1 – Outstanding Leadership and Aspiration Networks

            11.10 Break

            11.20 Strand 2 – Targeted Campaigns

            11.50 Strand 3 – System redesign for Education

12.20 General Discussion – Final Comments/ Recommendations/ possible Working Group


Times are estimates.

Additional documents:


The committee took its substantial agenda item, an in depth discussion of the draft Education strategy and its major strands.


The committee was informed that the Cabinet had also included a discussion of the strategy as part of its meeting agenda for the following Tuesday.  While this resulted in a delay in dispatching the papers, it provided an opportunity to provide input to the cabinet decision.

The committee expressed regret that the paperwork was late.  It requested that the circulation list be reviewed and wished to be clear that if it were expected to do its job fully, it needs documents in proper time.

It was agreed that any outcomes from the discussion would be sent as an addenda to the cabinet papers on the following Monday, and the chairman would speak to them at the meeting.


Frances Craven, Deputy Director – Education and Early Intervention (FC) gave an overview of the evolution of the strategy in the time since the committee had last discussed it in their February.   The strategy has evolved over a number of months and will continue to evolve to reflect developing priorities.

It was noted that the strategy does not contain the full detail on governance, specifically, cabinet and scrutiny and it was suggested this be included.

A question was raised about the level of involvement of Oxford City Council.  Steven Curran – Board Member, Young People, Education & Community Development at Oxford City Council was in the public gallery.  He was invited to join the discussion and was present throughout.  He commented that the City has put together a scheme and a budget to enable 10 schools in the city to have an intensive numeracy programme.  He went on to say that the city has been collaborating closely with the county and it had thus far been very positive and productive, ‘working in tandem’.

Strand 1 – Outstanding Leadership and Aspiration Networks


Cllr Anda Fitzgerald-O’Connor (A F-O) led the initial questioning.  A F-O felt that overall, the strategy was very positive.  She asked questions about how the partnerships would be monitored and evaluated.


Claudia Wade – School Support and Leadership Services Manager, commented that while the aspiration networks are in early days, a small board of people in the authority has already been identified to issue a monitoring report against tight targets to revisit several times a year.  If self-evaluated reports cause concern, those would be escalated.


Additional questions were raised around how the county was working to develop teachers.  It was noted that the strategy was lacking specific actions.  Officers conceded the point and clarified that monitoring against the strategy would identify best practice which would be circulated to other county schools.


Concerns were raised about the early intervention component of the strategy, and how the recent funding reductions impact upon that service.  A further opinion agreed that funding issues are an important consideration and are not sufficiently picked up in the strategy. 


Officers agreed that Early Intervention is important.  It may be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 212/12


Committee Business



Co-opted member vacancy update

Committee remit update

Committee member contribution request


The committee felt that updates should be moved to the beginning of the next meeting’s agenda to avoid a rush through at the end. 

Rachel Dunn – Senior Democracy Officer (RD) gave an update on the co-opted member vacancies.  At the last cycle of advertising, only one candidate came forward who was ultimate unselected as they relocated out of the county.  RD let the committee know that the next round of adverts were coming up and any suggestions of candidates would be welcome. 


Lisa Michelson – Scrutiny Officer (LM) made the committee aware of the recent cabinet decision that expanded the committee’s remit to include Adult Education.


CW invited all committee members to suggest items for future agendas.



Matters of Report pdf icon PDF 323 KB



Preparing Young People for Employment Seminar reschedule (CH08)

Troubled Families update

Outdoor Centres update

Next Meeting – HUBs


The ‘Preparing Young People for Employment’ seminar has been rescheduled for the 5th of September beginning at 10.00am in County Hall.  All committee members are invited to attend.


MW let the committee know that Lorna Caldicott would attend the next meeting to provide an update on the Troubled Families Initiative, now called Thriving Families.  He mentioned that there may be a forthcoming offer for committee members to join a working group with officers on this initiative.


MW also informed the committee that the situation regarding Outdoors Centres has clarified.  The service has taken the recommendations provided by the committee on the appropriate legal status.


The focus topic for the next meeting will be a discussion on the implementation of the Early Intervention hubs.



Close of Meeting



The meeting finished at 13.15.