Agenda and minutes

Growth & Infrastructure Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday, 9 December 2009 10.00 am

Venue: County Hall

Contact: Sue Whitehead, Tel: (01865) 810262  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


Apologies for absence and temporary appointments were received as follows:


Apology from

Temporary Appointment

Councillor Michael Gibbard

Councillor Stewart Lilley



Minutes pdf icon PDF 88 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 28 October 2009 (GI3) and to note for information any matters arising on them.


Councillor David Turner expressed disappointment that the discussion on the Park & Ride did not include comments from him in relation to the lack of bus shelters on the High Street and the resulting additional car journeys from people not prepared to wait at a bus stop with no shelter from the weather.


RESOLVED:           to approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 28 October 2009 subject to the inclusion of the above comments under Minute No. 17/09.



Speaking to or petitioning the Committee


The Chairman has agreed the following request to address the meeting:-




5. Service & Resource Planning 2010/11 – 2014/15

Mr A. Day, member of the public



Service & Resource Planning pdf icon PDF 71 KB

This report (GI 5) sets out the Business Improvement & Efficiency Strategy for the Environment & Economy Directorate. The strategy contains the identified pressures and proposed savings over the medium term from 2010/11 to 2014/15. For reference the current financial context and the report to Strategy & Partnerships Scrutiny Committee are included.


The Scrutiny Committee is invited to consider and comment upon the Directorate Efficiency Strategy plus the identified pressures and proposals for savings contained therein.

The Director for Environment & Economy, Head of Sustainable Development and Head of Transport will be available to respond to questions, together with the Cabinet Member for Transport Implementation.

Officers from Financial Services will also be present at the meeting to answer any questions that the Committee may wish to ask.








Additional documents:


Mr Day highlighted reference in the report to cost savings from waste management and referred to a scheme he had that looked at the same problem from the point of view of energy savings. He outlined what he saw as the advantages of his proposal which included profitability and financial advantage and asked that officers be authorised to discuss the matter with him.


The Chairman stated that Mr Day had made a proposal for a review that would come to the February meeting. The Director for Economy & Environment made it clear that there could be no negotiation around the procurement process with any individuals.


Mr Day responded to a question from Councillor Mathew and outlined his background as a physicist and his experience over 35 years as an architect involved in planning issues. He had no financial, business or commercial interest with anyone in connection with the scheme.


The Committee received a presentation on the papers before them and following a lengthy discussion the following points were made:



·                    There  was some support for the re-introduction of weekend and evening charges ‘on street’;

·                    There was some support for the re-introduction of weekend and evening charges ‘on street’;

·                    To look to find new areas of ‘on road’ charging in areas such as Summertown.

·                    To ask Cabinet to increase residents parking charges

·                    To ask Cabinet to ensure consistency of on road/off street charges,

·                    There was some support for the policy of not charging for ‘Park and Ride’ parking to be revisited in line with the recent question and answer session on ‘Park & Ride’.

·                    To ask Cabinet to ensure congestion charging is looked at as part of LTP3.

·                    EE1 – There was a need to ensure staff reductions do not affect service delivery

·                    EE14 – It was suggested that the targets for light switching off be increased

·                    EE2 & 14 – Look to increase car allowance savings over the period of the plan and encourage the adoption of this approach across the Council

·                    EE24 - Increase the target of trade waste saving if economically viable.


It was suggested that the savings be used for:


·                    the building maintenance programme and further that consideration be given to recharging that programme across all directorates. EE40 was seen as unsatisfactory.                                                                       

·                    Tourism –additional resources should be prioritised to the Olympics and there was some discussion as to whether it should be used in the build up to or after the Olympics to take advantage of the general boost expected at that time.


Other points:


·                    Councillor Mathew strongly endorsed the OCC Highways Drainage and other Pitt Review Flooding recommendations


Councillor Mathew asked that he be recorded as being against the re-introduction of weekend and evening charges and the consideration of congestion charging. Councillor David Nimmo expressed strong opposition to the introduction of any charges at park and ride sites.


Where a view was expressed members felt that they would wish to see the Council tax rise limited to below 3%, although accepting that it would need to be over 2%.


RESOLVED:  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27/09


Re-tendering of the Highways Contract

Presentation by the Head of Transport updating the Scrutiny Committee on the process and current position.




The Committee received an update on the re-tendering of the highways contract. The intention was to take a report to the March Cabinet meeting with the contract start date on 1 July 2010.


The Cabinet Member for Growth & Infrastructure thanked officers and in particular the Head of Transport for their efforts to ensure a contract would be in place. Councillor Anne Purse added her thanks to Peter Mann for all his work.


Responding to a question from Councillor David Nimmo-Smith, Steve Howell indicated that from 7 bidders who had put in a quality submission 3 had got through to the latest stage which was about cost and how the contract would be delivered.




Forward Plan

The Committee is asked to suggest items from the current Forward Plan on which it may wish to have an opportunity to offer advice to the Cabinet before any decision is taken, together with details of what it thinks could be achieved by looking at any items.



No items were identified for the next meeting.


Information Share


Members noted the following information and updates. .


Subject Matter


the Association of Local Government Archaeological Officers (ALGAO) has released its  response to the consultation on draft PPS15. the County Archaeology Officer will produce a note on ALGAO's response including a copy of ALGAO's response and a copy of the draft PPS in case members have not already seen it and this will be circulated to all members of the Committee.



LTP 3 Working Group Update

Noted an update from Councillor David Nimmo-Smith

Scrutiny of Flooding Learning Network – 24 November 2009

Noted a Briefing note. Agreed that an item on flooding be included on the next agenda if possible.