Agenda and minutes

Growth & Infrastructure Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday, 25 May 2011 9.30 am

Venue: County Hall

Contact: Liz Johnston, Tel: (01865) 328280  Email:

No. Item


Election of Chairman for the 2011/12 Council Year


Cllr David Nimmo-Smith was nominated for the position of Chairman of the Growth & Infrastructure Scrutiny Committee for 2011/12 by Cllr Nicholas Turner and seconded by Cllr John Tanner. The Committee RESOLVED that Cllr Nimmo-Smith be elected Chairman.



Election of Deputy Chairman for the 2011/12 Council Year


Cllr Nicholas Turner was nominated for the position of Deputy Chairman of the G&I Scrutiny Committee for 2011/12 by Cllr David Nimmo-Smith and seconded by Cllr Roger Belson. The Committee RESOLVED by a show of hands (six votes to three) that Cllr N. Turner be elected Deputy Chairman.



Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


Cllr Stewart Lilly was present as a substitute for Cllr Michael Gibbard.


Cllr Sandy Lovatt was present as a substitute for Cllr Keith Strangwood.


Declarations of Interest - see guidance note on the back page


There were no Declarations of Interest.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 66 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 17 February 2011 (GI5a) and Wednesday 9 March 2011 (GI5b) and to note for information any matters arising on them.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting on 09 March 2011 were signed and approved, subject to the spelling corrections noted by Cllr Charles Mathew and Cllr Nicholas Turner.


Speaking to or petitioning the Committee


There were no requests to speak to or petition the Committee.


Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment pdf icon PDF 73 KB


The Committee are invited to consider the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (GI7a) and provide feedback to Officers before submission to the Environment Agency.


Contact Officer:      Chris Brown

                                    Oxfordshire Strategic Flooding Group Coordinator


Additional documents:


The committee received a presentation by Hannah O’Callaghan, from JBA Consulting.


The presentation is attached.


If Members have specific issues to raise, Steve Howell (Deputy Director for Highways & Transport) invited them to contact Officers directly so they can be incorporated where possible.


The Committee will receive an update on a more detailed implementation plan in due course.




Resilience to Severe Weather pdf icon PDF 65 KB


The Committee is invited to comment on a report (GI10) on managing county council assets and services to ensure future resilience to severe weather.


Contact Officer:      Susie Ohlenschlager
Adaptation and Partnership Manager
01865 810148


Additional documents:


The Committee received an update from Susie Ohlenschlager (Adaptation and Partnership Manager) on the Council’s approach to dealing with severe weather events across the County. The presentation is attached.


Cllr Anne Purse noted the need for close working with District and Parish/Town Councils to ensure the response to incidents is as co-ordinated as possible.


Cllr Rodney Rose assured the Committee that all Town and Parish Councils have been sent a pamphlet advising them on how to deal with severe weather events, particularly heavy snow and ice in winter.




Countryside Service Briefing pdf icon PDF 3 MB


The Committee are invited to receive a briefing on the Countryside Service.


Contact Officer:     Vicky Fletcher

                                    Natural Environment Manager

                                    01865 815420



The Committee received a briefing from Victoria Fletcher from the Countryside Service (presentation attached) on the Service’s work and potential implications of the next round of Service and Resource Planning work.


The Committee RESOLVED that the Countryside Service should next be discussed in the Autumn as a part of the budget setting process.


Community Transport pdf icon PDF 441 KB


The Committee are invited to

          i.            Receive an update on current Community Transport provision

        ii.            Consider how Members should be involved in future Community Transport policy development


Contact Officer:         Steve Howell

                                    Deputy Director (Transport)

                                    01865 815845


Tracy Dow (Highways & Transport Service Manager – Policy and Strategy) gave a presentation to the Committee about the need to consider how the Council supports community transport initiatives and how this might fit in with changing priorities in other Directorates. The Committee RESOLVED to create a small working group to consider this issue over the next year. Cllr Stewart Lilly (Bus Champion), Cllr David Nimmo-Smith, Cllr David Turner and Cllr Anne Purse agreed to be on the working group.


G&I Forward Plan for 2011/12


The Committee are invited to comment on the draft Forward Plan for 2011/12.


Contact Officer:         Liz Johnston

                                    Scrutiny Officer

                                    01865 328280


The meeting closed before this item was discussed. The Committee RESOLVED to discuss at the next meeting.


12.00 Close of Meeting


The meeting closed at 12:30pm.