Agenda and minutes

Growth & Infrastructure Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday, 10 March 2010 10.00 am

Venue: County Hall

Contact: Sue Whitehead, Tel: (01865) 810262  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Michael Gibbard for whom Councillor Melinda Tilley substituted. 




To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 17 February 2010 (GI3 – To be circulated separately)and to note for information any matters arising on them.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 17 February 2010 were approved and signed subject to the correction to the list of those present to show that Councillor David Turner was in attendance and that Councillor Belson was a temporary appointment replacing Councillor Nicholas Turner and not Councillor David Turner as indicated.


Following comments from Councillor Mathew in relation to the Flooding Review it was agreed that a list of comments being gathered by Councillor Mathew on the maps provided by the Environment Agency (and available on their web site) be circulated to members of the Committee.


Local Transport Plan 3 pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Contact Officer: Christa Brodie-Levinsohn, Performance Advisor,

Tel: (01865) 815463



(A)       Growth & Infrastructure Scrutiny of Local Transport Plan 3

- Report from the Working Group




The Growth & Infrastucture Scrutiny Committee is recommended to:


(a)                         note the work conducted by the working group over the past six months; and

(b)                          advise on planned work, particularly with regard to how road shows could be carried out.



(B)       Local Transport Plan 2011-2030 Draft Policies


Report to Cabinet on 16 March 2010 (To follow once the report has been published for Cabinet)


The Scrutiny Committee considered a report of the Local Transport Plan 3 Scrutiny Working Group and the report to Cabinet entitled Local Transport Plan 2011-2030 Draft Policies. On the suggestion of the Chairman it was agreed that the following points and queries raised during discussion be referred to the Cabinet Member for Growth & Infrastructure.

(A)              Report of the Local Transport Plan 3 Scrutiny Working Group


(1)               Committee Members queried how the Council would handle expectation in the towns and villages created by the consultation on the long list. The Cabinet Member for Growth & Infrastructure and officers acknowledged the importance of managing expectations, particularly in the current financial climate. To this end prioritisation criteria had been set up in a very robust way. The LTP 3 was a very long term programme and it was important to find out people’s aspirations. There was general recognition that the process of consultation on the long list of schemes had been valuable. It would be important to be very clear about the status of projects going forward and vital that people were kept informed.

(2)               Councillor Nimmo-Smith asked how the policy review would match with the local expectations generated by the scheme level planning. In the light of the document Councillor Strangwood queried where Members could best put their hopes for schemes important to their local residents, such as the Banbury Relief Road. He suggested that a map plan of where the Banbury Southern Relief Road would actually go, should be drawn up and circulated to the local planning authority, to prevent development being undertaken in the proposed path of any future relief road.

(3)               Katie Pritchett Consultation Officer explained some of the factors that the Committee could consider during roadshows as suggested in the report and in particular :

-          The purpose of the exhibition or roadshow – would it be to both consult and inform

-          The amount of time that was to be dedicated to the event(s)

-          The type of feedback that would be sought – Written, structured feedback made it easier to analyse the information coming back.

-          Locations.

-          The focus Members might wish to give to the roadshows. LTP 3 was large and there may be key issues that Members would wish to focus on.

(4)               Members supported the value of roadshows. Councillor Purse felt that even if people had not attended an event there was benefit in the publicity that surrounded them. It was vital that people in rural areas knew what was happening.

(5)               Members discussed the possible location of any roadshows. Councillor Hudspeth agreed that rural areas in particular could be challenging to arrange but even in Oxford City there would be differences between areas. He queried whether Area Forums would be useful and stressed the role of County Councillors in getting the message out. There was some suggestion that the 14 localities could be used to inform the choice of venues. Councillor Tanner referred to the need to be aware of public transport  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11/10


Homes & Communities Agency Single Conversation:Local Investment Plan (CIL)

At the last meeting the Committee suggested the above item from the current Forward Plan on which it wished to have an opportunity to offer advice to the Cabinet before any decision was taken.


The report by the Head of Sustainable Development  is to be considered by Cabinet at its meeting on 16 March 2010 and is not yet available. A discussion paper will be circulated separately on the CIL regulations and their impact on developer contributions within the County.



The Scrutiny Committee considered a report to Cabinet entitled Homes & Communities Agency Single Conversation: Local Investment Plan. On the suggestion of the Chairman it was agreed that the following points and queries raised during discussion be referred to the Cabinet Member for Growth & Infrastructure.


(1)               Councillor Tanner welcomed the report, commenting that the economic drivers set out in it would help to focus resources and avoid duplication.

(2)               Councillor Nicholas Turner welcomed the prioritisation of sites at a strategic level but stressed that it must be a living document responding to changes.

(3)               Ian Walker, responding to a query from Councillor Mathew clarified the layout of the columns and undertook to ensure that the final document was clear. With reference to the inclusion of some schemes under more than one category an amended list would be submitted to Cabinet. It was agreed that this amended list be circulated to Committee Members.

(4)               Councillor David Turner commented that the report was to be signed off outside the Cabinet meeting and queried whether there would be another opportunity for call in by this Committee. Councillor Purse asked whether this was the last opportunity for the Committee to see the document. The committee officer undertook to confirm that there was no right of call in at sign off stage. It was agreed that the final document be brought back to the Committee for information.

(5)               Councillor Nimmo-Smith felt that the devil would be in the detail behind the document and was advised that the detail was to be developed through the Local Investment Agreement. 


Forward Plan

The Committee is asked to suggest items from the current Forward Plan on which it may wish to have an opportunity to offer advice to the Cabinet before any decision is taken, together with details of what it thinks could be achieved by looking at any items.


No forward plan items were identified for future consideration.


Work Programme


It was noted that an updated work programme would be circulated and that the following items were included/under consideration:


  • The County Council’s arrangements for winter maintenance of roads and footways (Snow Review)
  • Wind power – discussion ongoing with Councillor Lindsay-Gale
  • Carbon Management
  • Bio Diversity
  • LTP3 - October