Agenda and minutes

Strategy & Partnerships Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 17 March 2011 10.00 am

Venue: County Hall

Contact: Claire Phillips, Tel: (01865) 323967  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


Apologies were received from Councillor Skolar (Councillor Greene substituting).


Declarations of Interest - see guidance note on the back page


Cllr Fooks noted that she is a member of the Pension Fund committee.


Cllr Brighouse noted that she is a member of the Oxfordshire Pension Fund.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 13 January 2011 (SYP3) and to note for information any matters arising on them.



The minutes of the meeting held on 13 January 2011 were approved and signed subject to the amendment that Cllr Wilmshurst was present at the meeting


Director's Update

The Assistant Chief Executive (Strategy) will give a verbal update on key issues.



Stephen Capaldi, Assistant Chief Executive (Strategy) updated the committee on arrangements for design and printing publications. Positive progress continues in reducing the amount of printed publications and the associated costs which has been achieved through implementation of a tight approval process. 


Stephen Capaldi gave background to the manager assessment process that is ongoing. All senior managers are undergoing a series of assessments and interviews as part of the business strategy commitment to reduce the overall management of the organisation. It was noted that one of the products of the assessments will be that each manager will have a personal development plan. Skills that will be important are those for working in political and partnership environments. A number of services have already or are in the process of restructuring.


Stephen Capaldi gave an overview of the locality review meetings with councillors. All have had initial meetings and will be considering bids to the Big Society Fund. He also noted that discussions are ongoing with the voluntary sector about Big Society.


It was noted that the final payment of Local Area Agreement reward grant funding has just been paid and that the Public Service Board will be discussing how to allocate it.



Financial Monitoring Overview 2010/11 pdf icon PDF 150 KB

Commentary by the Cabinet Member for Finance (SYP6).


The report provides a commentary on the financial monitoring to the end of January 2011.


Contact Officer: Kathy Wilcox, Principal Financial Manager


The financial monitoring report was noted including the underspending on two large projects in ICT and efforts to increase road maintenance before year end.


The committee requested to have more detail about borrowing and debt reduction in the financial monitoring report at a future meeting.


Oxfordshire Pension Fund

An introduction and overview of the Oxfordshire pension fund will be given to the committee in the form of a presentation.


Contact Officers: Sean Collins, Assistant Head of Oxfordshire Customer Services - Financial Services and Lorna Baxter, Acting Head of Corporate Finance.


The committee received a presentation on the Oxfordshire Pension Fund and the role and functions of the Pension Fund Committee.


It was agreed to invite the Chairman of the Pension Fund Committee to the next meeting to discuss the committee’s approach to managing the fund.


Big Society Framework pdf icon PDF 78 KB

The committee is asked to consider a paper (SYP8) on the council’s proposed approach to Big Society and draft framework.


Contact Officer: Claire Moore, Strategic Partnership Manager


Claire Moore gave an introduction to the council’s approach to the Big Society and key areas of focus. It was noted that there is a lot of work ongoing which supports the Big Society.


It was noted that small and medium enterprises play an important role in communities.


The differences between rural and urban communities was emphasised and the lack of town and parish councils in urban areas making it more complex.


Localism Bill pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Overview of the key issues of relevance to the county council within the draft Localism Bill (SYP9).


Contact officer: Ben Threadgold, Senior Policy Officer


The Committee is invited to consider the potential impact of the Localism Bill on the council and our key partners, and whether more detailed discussions on specific themes within the Bill are required at future meetings


The briefing paper was noted and the current passage of the bill through parliament. The committee expressed interest in exploring elements of the bill further when more details are available. Particular areas of interest noted were around predetermination and neighbourhood planning.


Update on Strategic Partnerships pdf icon PDF 177 KB

Overview of recent developments in strategic partnerships and current work programme (SYP10).


Contact Officer: Claire Moore, Strategic Partnerships Manager.


The partnership update report was noted and it was AGREED not to include district Local Strategic Partnerships and the stronger communities alliance in future reports as these are not partnerships whose activities are driven by the  county council.


It was AGREED to review progress of the Local Enterprise Partnership as it develops.


Forward Plan


Items proposed for future consideration by the committee include borrowing and debt reduction; activity of the Pension Fund committee and the progress of the Local Enterprise Partnership.