
People Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 19 September 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Room 2&3 - County Hall, New Road, Oxford OX1 1ND. View directions

Contact: Scrutiny Team  Email:

Link: video link

No. Item


Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments

To receive any apologies for absence and temporary appointments.



Declaration of Interests

See guidance note on the back page.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 96 KB

The Committee is recommended to APPROVE the minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2024 and to receive information arising from them.


Petitions and Public Address

Members of the public who wish to speak at this meeting can attend the meeting in person or ‘virtually’ through an online connection. 


To facilitate ‘hybrid’ meetings we are asking that requests to speak or present a petition are submitted by no later than 9am four working days before the meeting i.e., 9am on 13 September 2024.  Requests to speak should be sent to the Scrutiny Officer at


If you are speaking ‘virtually’, you may submit a written statement of your presentation to ensure that your views are taken into account. A written copy of your statement can be provided no later than 9am 2 working days before the meeting. Written submissions should be no longer than 1 A4 sheet.



Oxfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Safeguarding Report pdf icon PDF 237 KB

Dr Jayne Chidgey-Clark, the Independent Chair of the Oxfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board (OSAB), Cllr Tim Bearder, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Karen Fuller, Director of Adult Social Services, Victoria Baran, Deputy Director Adult Social Care, and Steven Turner, OSAB Strategic Partnerships Manager, have been invited to present the OSAB Annual Safeguarding report and to answer the Committee’s questions.


The Committee is asked to consider the report and raise any questions, and to AGREE any recommendations it wishes to make to Cabinet arising therefrom.

Additional documents:


Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards pdf icon PDF 392 KB

Cllr Tim Bearder, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Karen Fuller, Director of Adult Social Services, Victoria Baran, Deputy Director Adult Social Care, and Lorraine Henry, Safeguarding Mental Health Service Manager, have been invited to present a report on the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) and to answer the Committee’s questions.


The Committee is asked to consider the report and raise any questions, and to AGREE any recommendations it wishes to make to Cabinet arising therefrom.


Report to follow.

Additional documents:


Committee Forward Work Plan pdf icon PDF 120 KB

The Committee is recommended to identify items for its consideration and AGREE its work programme for forthcoming meetings, taking account of the Cabinet Forward Plan and of the Budget Management Monitoring Report.

Additional documents:


Committee Action and Recommendation Tracker pdf icon PDF 135 KB

The Committee is recommended to NOTE the progress of previous recommendations and actions arising from previous meetings, having raised any questions on the contents.


Responses to Scrutiny Recommendations pdf icon PDF 104 KB

Attached is the draft Cabinet response to the Committee’s report on Adult Social Care Assurance Update which is expected to be agreed on 17 September 2024. The Committee is asked to NOTE the response.