Agenda and minutes

County Council - Tuesday, 11 September 2012 10.00 am

Venue: County Hall, Oxford OX1 1ND

Contact: Deborah Miller  Tel: (01865) 815384; E-Mail:

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 154 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2012 (CC1) and to receive information arising from them.


Additional documents:


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 July 2012 were approved and signed.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Chapman, Fitzgerald O’Connor, Gibbard, Harvey, Jones, Lilly, Sherwood, Stratford and D. Turner.


Declarations of Interest - see guidance note

Members are reminded that they must declare their interests orally at the meeting and specify which items on the agenda are the relevant items. This applies also to items where members have interests by virtue of their membership of a district council in Oxfordshire.


Councillor Fatemian declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 14 (Motion From Councillor Anne Purse) by virtue of Family ownership of a Post Office.



The Leader of the Council, Councillor Hudspeth, has given formal notice of the following changes to cabinet member portfolios to take effect from 14 August 2012 and including the appointment of an additional Cabinet Member.


·        Councillor Shouler appointed as Cabinet Member for Finance with responsibility for finance;

·        The post of Cabinet Member for Finance & Police, held by Councillor Mallon, to be retitled Cabinet Member for Police and Policies with responsibility for police issues, equalities and community safety;

·        Cabinet Member for Children and the Voluntary Sector held by Councillor Chapman, to be the statutory lead member for Children’s Services and with responsibility for voluntary and community sector and Big Society Fund with the remit for equalities moving as referred to above;


(a)       Subsequent to the appointment of Councillor Shouler as Cabinet Member for Finance to make the following changes to the membership of the scrutiny and other committees:


·        Adult Services Scrutiny Committee: Councillor Mathew to be appointed in place of  Councillor Shouler;

·        Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee: Councillor Gearing to be appointed in place of Councillor Shouler;

·        Audit & Governance Committee: Councillor Newton to be appointed in place of Councillor Shouler;


(b)       to replace Councillor Val Smith with Councillor Gill Sanders on the Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee;


(c)        to make any further changes to the membership of the Cabinet, scrutiny and other committees on the nomination of political groups.


The Council noted the changes to Cabinet Member portfolios set out on the face of the Agenda and the report of the County Returning Office on the outcome of the by-elections for the Cowley and Littlemore Division as set out in the Schedule of Business.


RESOLVED:  to approve the following appointments:


(a)               Adult Services Scrutiny Committee: Councillor Mathew to be appointed in place of  Councillor Shouler;

(b)               Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee: Councillor Gearing to be appointed in place of Councillor Shouler;

(c)               Audit & Governance Committee: Councillor Newton to be appointed in place of Councillor Shouler;

(d)               replace Councillor Val Smith with Councillor Gill Sanders on the Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


Official Communications


The Chairman reported as follows:


(1)               The death of David Turner, who was the County Councillor for the Wroxton Division 1985 – 1997, died on 16 July 2012.


Councillors Mitchell, Brighouse and Purse paid tribute to the former County Councillor.  The Council then observed a Minute’s silence in his memory.


(2)               Peter Jones was now making some progress in his recovery.  The Council wished him well for a speedy recovery.


(3)               The Council thanked members of staff from County Hall and the Fire Service who had given up their time for the ‘Oxford Open Doors’ held on the weekend of the 8th and 9th of September, and in particular thanked Tim Stimpson, Facilities Manager for giving up his weekend to provide tours and organisation for this event.


Petitions and Public Address




Mrs Pill: ‘ A request asking the Council to investigate the reason for a six month delay in the Council repairing all of the potholes on the public thoroughfare adjacent to the local Co-operative Store on the A4260 in Kidlington. (28 Signatures)


Mr Graham Dixon-Brown: ‘A request from the residents of Stanton Harcourt with Sutton asking the County Council with responsibility for the B4449 through Sutton to urgently to adopt measures to improve the unacceptable HGV traffic:

·                     for safety reasons (school children crossing/exit visibility for residents/44 ton lorries being unable to pass each other;

·                     quality of life (residents being woke frequently at night by 24/7 HGV traffic);

·                     broken promises (a Sutton bypass first muted in the 1960s and promised in 1996 if any new gravel quarries received planning in the Lower Windrush – that happened in 2010 (Stonehenge Farm Northmoor)). (  Signatures)


Treasury Management 2011/12 Outturn pdf icon PDF 596 KB

Report by Assistant Chief Executive & Chief Financial Officer (CC8).


The report sets out the Treasury Management activity undertaken in the financial year 2011/12 in compliance with the CIPFA Code of Practice.  The report includes Debt and Investment activity, Prudential Indicator Outturn, changes in Strategy, and interest receivable and payable for the financial year.


Council is RECOMMENDED to note the Council’s Treasury Management Activity in 2011/12.


The Council had before them a report by the Assistant Chief Executive & Chief Finance Officer (CC8) which set out the Treasury Management activity undertaken in the financial year 2011/12.


RESOLVED:  (on a motion by Councillor Shouler, seconded by Councillor Hudspeth and carried nem con) to note the Council’s Treasury Management Activity in 2011/12.


Partnership Update Report pdf icon PDF 230 KB

Report by Assistant Chief Executive & Chief Finance Officer (CC9).


This report provides an update on the Oxfordshire-wide partnerships which are critical in progressing key countywide priorities and which have support from our partners.


Council is RECOMMENDED to note the report.


The Council had before them a report by the Head of Strategy & Communications (CC11) which provided an update on all Oxfordshire-wide partnerships.


RESOLVED: (on a motion by Councillor Hudspeth, seconded by Councillor Rose and carried nem con) to note the report.


Report of the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Report of the Cabinet meeting held on 17 July 2012 (CC10).


The Council noted the report of the Cabinet Meeting held on 17 July 2012.




Questions with Notice from Members of the Council


12 questions with notice were asked.  Details of the questions and answers and the supplementary questions and answers, where asked and given, are set out in Annex 1 to the signed copy of the Minutes.


In relation to question 3 (Question form Councillor Roz Smith), Councillor Rose undertook to give consideration to funding a mitigation scheme for the local residents of Sandhills area from the Environment & Economy Budget in relation to the planned works at Thornhill Park & Ride.


Motion From Councillor Anne Purse

“This Council was delighted to see the contribution made by local athletes in the recent London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, and is sure that their endeavours will be an inspiration to the present and following generations of school children.  


Council therefore calls on the Cabinet to do all in its power to ensure that Oxfordshire schools retain their playing and sports facilities, so that all children have the opportunity to realise their own ambitions both in terms of health and enjoyment, as well as encouraging and developing the talents of those who could become future world class athletes.”


RESOLVED: (on a motion by Councillor Anne Purse seconded by Councillor Tilley and carried unanimously)


This Council was delighted to see the contribution made by local athletes in the recent London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, and is sure that their endeavours will be an inspiration to the present and following generations of school children.  


Council therefore calls on the Cabinet to do all in its power to ensure that Oxfordshire schools retain their playing and sports facilities, so that all children have the opportunity to realise their own ambitions both in terms of health and enjoyment, as well as encouraging and developing the talents of those who could become future world class athletes.”


Motion From Councillor Liz Brighouse

“The County Council requests the Leader of the Council to write to the Secretary of State for Education expressing concern at the arbitrary way in which the boundaries of grades in English Language GCSE were changed. This change will have the effect of damaging the life changes of many 16 year olds in Oxfordshire who took their exams this summer. It particularly affects those young people on the border of C/D and the young people aiming for Russell Group Universities who will not have realised the reward of their hard work by getting an A or A*.


In addition the Council asks the Cabinet to set up a group to look at the level of the negative impact on schools across Oxfordshire so that schools can learn from this experience.”


Councillor Brighouse moved and Councillor Val Smith seconded the following motion as amended with Council’s agreement by Councillor Roz Smith in strikethrough and bold italics:


“The County Council requests the Leader of the Council to write to the Secretary of State for Education expressing concern at the arbitrary way in which the boundaries of grades in English Language GCSE were changed. This change will have the effect of damaging the life changes of many 16 year olds in Oxfordshire who took their exams this summer. It particularly affects those young people on the border of C/D and the young people aiming for Russell Group Universities who will not have realised the reward of their hard work by getting an A or A*.


In addition the Council asks the Cabinet to set up a group to look the Scrutiny committee for Children's services to consider looking at the level of the negative impact on schools across Oxfordshire so that schools can learn from this experience.”


Following debate The motion, as amended was lost by 41 votes to 19.


Motion From Councillor David Nimmo-Smith

This Council is pleased to be one of the 25 local pathfinder authorities building a more strategic relationship with the Post Office Limited. It notes that the DVLA contract with the Post Office is due for renewal.


This Council notes that this valuable service means that people in towns, our city and rural areas have the choice of being able to renew their car tax in person at the Post Office. This helps promote the many other services available at Post Offices ensuring  they are viable concerns.Post Offices are an important and key aspect of our County’s Communities.


This Council asks that the Leader writes to The Right Hon Justine Greening MP, copying in the local MPs,  asking that the government  renews the DVLA contract with the Post Office, to support and ensure the viability of Oxfordshire’s Post Offices, both rural and urban, thereby promoting and improving the economic wellbeing of the area and supporting local businesses as most local Post Offices are run on a franchise basis.”


(Councillor Fatemian left the room for the duration of this item (please see minute …)


Councillor Nimmo-Smith moved and Councillor Newton seconded the following motion as amended with Council’s agreement by Councillor Nimmo-Smith in strikethrough and bold italics:


This Council is pleased to be one of the 25 local pathfinder authorities building a more strategic relationship with the Post Office Limited. It notes that the DVLA contract with the Post Office is due for renewal.


This Council notes that this valuable service means that people in towns, our city and rural areas have the choice of being able to renew their car tax in person at the Post Office. This helps promote the many other services available at Post Offices ensuring  they are viable concerns.Post Offices are an important and key aspect of our County’s Communities.


This Council asks that the Leader writes to The Right Hon Justine Greening Patrick McLoughlin MP, copying in the local MPs,  asking that the government  renews the DVLA contract with the Post Office, to support and ensure the viability of Oxfordshire’s Post Offices, both rural and urban, thereby promoting and improving the economic wellbeing of the area and supporting local businesses as most local Post Offices are run on a franchise basis.”


Following debate the motion was put to the vote and was carried nem con.


RESOLVED:  (nem con)


This Council is pleased to be one of the 25 local pathfinder authorities building a more strategic relationship with the Post Office Limited. It notes that the DVLA contract with the Post Office is due for renewal.


This Council notes that this valuable service means that people in towns, our city and rural areas have the choice of being able to renew their car tax in person at the Post Office. This helps promote the many other services available at Post Offices ensuring  they are viable concerns.Post Offices are an important and key aspect of our County’s Communities.


This Council asks that the Leader writes to The Right Hon Patrick McLoughlin MP, copying in the local MPs,  asking that the government  renews the DVLA contract with the Post Office, to support and ensure the viability of Oxfordshire’s Post Offices, both rural and urban, thereby promoting and improving the economic wellbeing of the area and supporting local businesses as most local Post Offices are run on a franchise basis.


Motion From Councillor Larry Sanders

“The Government’s attempts to restore the economy are not working. One of the most effective ways to increase employment and economic growth is increased expenditure by Local Government. There is a reasonable chance that some government will recognise this in the near future.


In addition to its effect on the general economy strengthened Local Government would increase people’s ability to participate in their society and act as a bulwark against the excessive power of major banks and corporations.


Increased funding would make it possible for Local Authorities to more adequately provide the services for which they are responsible.


Those Councils which are prepared to efficiently increase spending will have an advantage in applying for and spending increased funding.


This Council therefore asks the Cabinet to require Directors to begin consultation with the people of the County so that they will have plans ready for more locally focussed and integrated use of the increased funding when it becomes available.”


Councillor Larry Sanders moved and Councillor Atkins seconded the following motion as amended with Council’s agreement by Councillor Larry Sanders in strikethrough and bold italics:


The Government’s attempts to restore the economy are not yet working. One of the most effective ways way to increase employment and economic growth is increased expenditure by Local Government. There is a reasonable chance possibility that some the government will recognise this in the near future.


In addition to its effect on the general economy strengthened Local Government would increase people’s ability to participate in their society and act as a bulwark against the excessive power of major banks and corporations.


Increased funding would make it possible for Local Authorities to more adequately provide improve and/or extend the services for which they are responsible. 


If public spending were to increase, those Councils which are prepared to efficiently increase spending will have an advantage in applying for and spending increased funding.


This Council therefore asks the Cabinet to require Directors to begin consultation with the people of the County to consider how increased public funding might be best used so that they will have plans ready for more locally focussed and integrated use of the increased funding when it becomes should it become available.


Following debate the motion, as amended, was put to the vote and was lost by 43 votes to 10, with 3 abstentions.


Motion From Councillor Altaf-Khan

“Council continues to be concerned about the pressure on primary school places in the City and Vale of White Horse District Council areas and is still unable to understand why the problem was not better anticipated and planned for. The number of parents unable to gain a place at either their first or second choice of school is still too high and makes it hard for parents to have confidence in the system.


Council also notes the knock-on effect that the problem is now having on schools outside the City area. It can be unsettling for all parties, as well as costly to the authority, to have children brought out from the City by taxi for the reception year only to return as soon as there are vacancies in the City schools, leaving the outer schools with empty places.  It is also unsettling for small children outside the City who are being sent by bus to village schools due to insufficient places in their local home town or village.


Council therefore asks the Cabinet to speed up its measures to create sufficient new places where needed in primary schools across the County.



Councillor Altaf-Khan moved and Councillor Hannaby seconded the following motion as amended with Council’s agreement by Councillor Brighouse in strikethrough and bold italics:


“Council continues to be concerned about the pressure on primary school places in the City and Vale of White Horse District Council areas and is still unable to understand why the problem was not better anticipated and planned for. The number of parents unable to gain a place at either their first or second choice of school is still too high and makes it hard for parents to have confidence in the system. Council also notes the knock-on effect that the problem is now having on schools outside the City area. It can be unsettling for all parties, as well as costly to the authority, to have children brought out from the City by taxi for the reception year only to return as soon as there are vacancies in the City schools, leaving the outer schools with empty places. It is also unsettling for small children outside the City who are being sent by bus to village schools due to insufficient places in their local home town or village.


Council therefore asks the Cabinet to speed up its measures to create sufficient new places where needed in primary schools across the County and start planning for the additional capacity needed in the secondary schools for these children.”


Following debate, the motion as amended was put to the vote and was lost by 39 votes to 19.


Motion From Councillor Roz Smith

“Council is aware of the huge workload carried by all Environment & Economy officers, but is nevertheless concerned that the established principle that local members should be kept informed of highways work and planning issues in their division has sometimes slipped of late: for example, progress on the adoption of roads, and County responses on high profile planning consultations from district councils.

Keeping residents informed of progress on highways and planning schemes and having input themselves when appropriate is part of the role of local members. Council therefore asks the Cabinet to remind Environment & Economy of the importance of this principle and to ensure that it does not get overlooked, especially when the Directorate is working through contractors.”


Councillor Roz Smith moved and Councillor Purse seconded the following motion:

“Council is aware of the huge workload carried by all Environment & Economy officers, but is nevertheless concerned that the established principle that local members should be kept informed of highways work and planning issues in their division has sometimes slipped of late: for example, progress on the adoption of roads, and County responses on high profile planning consultations from district councils.

Keeping residents informed of progress on highways and planning schemes and having input themselves when appropriate is part of the role of local members. Council therefore asks the Cabinet to remind Environment & Economy of the importance of this principle and to ensure that it does not get overlooked, especially when the Directorate is working through contractors.”


During debate, Councillor Fatemian moved and Councillor Heathcoat seconded ‘that the question be now put’.


The motion was put to the vote and was carried nem con.


Accordingly, the substantive motion was put to the vote and was lost by 39 votes to 18.


Motion From Councillor John Tanner

“This Council supports charging for parking at Thornhill and Water Eaton Park & Rides given the severe cuts being imposed by the Coalition Government on local government. We call on the Cabinet to impose the same charge being made by Oxford City Council at its three Park & Rides, and for a higher charge for motorists using Park and Ride to take the bus to London and Heathrow. The money should be spent on essential County Council services, such as keeping down charges at Day Centres, improving Dial-a-Ride or supporting local libraries and youth clubs in Oxfordshire.”



The time being 3.30 pm, the Chairman sought the approval of Council to extend the Council meeting until 4.00 pm to allow for the consideration of item 18 of the Agenda (Motion from Councillor John Tanner).


RESOLVED:  (by 36-19) not to extend the meeting.