Issue - meetings

Oxford, Divinity Road - Proposed Controlled Parking Zone

Meeting: 22/03/2012 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport (Item 12)

12 Oxford Divinity Road Controlled parking Zone pdf icon PDF 529 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2011/203

Contact: David Tole, Principal Engineer, Transport & Safety Improvements Tel: (01865) 815942/ Craig Rossington, Principal Transport Planner Tel: (01865 815575)

10.05 am


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy – Highways & Transport (CMDT4).


Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Transport considered responses received to a formal consultation on a draft traffic regulation order for the proposed controlled parking zone for the Divinity Road area.


Mr Pemberton, a resident of Aston Street, advised that this area of East Oxford formed one community and that at the very least a decision should be taken on all three parking zones at the same time and not in isolation of each other. If implemented all three zones would affect residents and have some impact on their lives, carve up the community and fly in the face of local opinion. The proposals would affect local businesses, those living in shared accommodation and upset the unique balance of the area.


Councillor David Turner commented on Items 4 and 5.  All three schemes would impact on local communities and businesses with a knock on effect from one area to another and whatever was decided it was clear that there would never be enough space for parking.  He welcomed proposals for further local consultation on amendments to the scheme and suggested a review of the net effect of the proposals after 12 months.


The Cabinet Member asked officers if funding could be available for such a review.


Mr Tole advised that a review would involve consulting all permit holders when permits were renewed annually.  However, problems could arise if funding was then required for significant changes to a scheme.


Mr Howell suggested that County members within the City could agree to fund a review through the localities budget but warned that a full and thorough CPZ review would be expensive.  Officers, however, had a good idea of what the impact would be.  Public opinion on the merits of the proposals varied but only a small percentage of those that had been consulted had replied and if the proposals proved to be unsuccessful then no doubt there would be some  pressure for change.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above the Cabinet Member for Transport confirmed his decision as follows:


(a)               to authorise the making of the Oxfordshire County Council (Oxford Divinity Road area) (Controlled Parking Zone and Waiting Restrictions) Order 20**;


(b)               to authorise the making of the consequential TROs being the Oxfordshire County Council (East Oxford) (Controlled Parking Zone Waiting Restrictions and Traffic Management) (Variation No 6*) Order 20**, the Oxfordshire County Council (Various Streets East Oxford) (Traffic Regulation) (Variation No.9*) Order 20**, the Oxfordshire County Council (Headington West) (Controlled Parking Zone) (Variation No. 12*) Order 20**, and the Oxfordshire County Council (Cowley Road, Oxford) (Traffic Regulation) (Variation No. 1*) Order 20**


(c)               to authorise officers to reconsult locally on amendments to the scheme, as set out in Annex 6 to the report CMDT4; and


(d)               to authorise the Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Highways & Transport) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport to carry out further minor amendments to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12