Issue - meetings

Capital Programme Approvals - June 2024

Meeting: 18/06/2024 - Cabinet (Item 90)

90 Capital Programme Approvals - June 2024 pdf icon PDF 281 KB

Cabinet Member: Finance

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/062

Contact: Natalie Crawford, Capital Programme Manager


Report by Executive Director of Resources and Section 151 Officer (CA15)


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


a.               approve the inclusion of the A4130 Rowstock Roundabout to Steventon Lights scheme into the Capital Programme with an indicative budget of £1.041m to be fully funded from S106 developer contributions.

b.               approve the inclusion of the Abingdon National Cycle Network Route 5 (NCN5) Missing Link scheme into the Capital Programme with an indicative budget of £1.474m funded from the Active Travel Fund Tranche 4 Extension.

c.               approve a budget increase of £4.657m from £4.763m to £9.420m, to progress the expansion of Grove Church of England Primary School, funded by S106 contributions (£5.620m), Basic Need (£1.000m) and Basic Need Contingency (£2.800m).

d.               approve the inclusion of Union Street Phase 1.5 & 2 into the Capital Programme, with an indicative budget of £1.450m, to be partly funded by the Asset Rationalisation Programme agreed by Full Council in February 2022, with an initial budget of £4.700m (increased in February 2024 by £2.300m) and the Decarbonisation Programme where £8.200m funding was agreed in March 2024.





Recommendations approved.


Cabinet had before it a report which out change requests requiring Cabinet approval that will be incorporated into the agreed programme and included in the next update to the Capital Programme in June 2024.


Councillor Dan Levy, Cabinet Member for Finance, presented the report and explained details of the four schemes which were recommended for approval.


During discussion, members welcomed, in particular, the scheme to enhance the walking and cycling infrastructure in Abingdon which was a missing link on the National Cycling Route 5 and thanked officers for their hard work in bringing this scheme forward.


Councillor Levy moved and Councillor Howson seconded the recommendations, and they were approved.




a)    approve the inclusion of the A4130 Rowstock Roundabout to Steventon Lights scheme into the Capital Programme with an indicative budget of £1.041m to be fully funded from S106 developer contributions.


b)    approve the inclusion of the Abingdon National Cycle Network Route 5 (NCN5) Missing Link scheme into the Capital Programme with an indicative budget of £1.474m funded from the Active Travel Fund Tranche 4 Extension.


c)    approve a budget increase of £4.657m from £4.763m to £9.420m, to progress the expansion of Grove Church of England Primary School, funded by S106 contributions (£5.620m), Basic Need (£1.000m) and Basic Need Contingency (£2.800m).


d)    approve the inclusion of Union Street Phase 1.5 & 2 into the Capital Programme, with an indicative budget of £1.450m, to be partly funded by the Asset Rationalisation Programme agreed by Full Council in February 2022, with an initial budget of £4.700m (increased in February 2024 by £2.300m) and the Decarbonisation Programme where £8.200m funding was agreed in March 2024.