Issue - meetings

Minerals and Waste Development Framework Progress Update

Meeting: 28/10/2009 - Growth & Infrastructure Scrutiny Committee (Item 21)

21 Minerals and Waste Development Framework Progress Update pdf icon PDF 93 KB


1.00 pm


To consider progress on the Minerals and Waste Development Framework.


Peter Day, Minerals & Waste Policy Team Leader will attend to respond to questions        on the report submitted (G19)



The Committee considered a report (GI9) updating them on the preparation of the Oxfordshire Minerals and Waste Development Framework.


Responding to questions Peter Day advised that


1) Municipal waste was only a part of the whole picture and the Framework was to look at all waste management options.

2) He agreed that it was difficult when looking at an area specific framework not to be in danger of identifying individual sites. It was something that they would revisit. Mineral working was a particular difficulty as it could only be in areas where it existed. Companies had been asked to identify sites they would like to see in the plan. It was confirmed that this was a usual practice and that it was important in terms of deliverability of the agreed plan.

3) There were still a few sites working on old mineral planning permissions. These permissions could not be cancelled but they could be reviewed and updated with conditions applied. These existing permissions would be taken into account when looking at further provision.

4) In terms of inert waste there were a number of competing factors that would need to be taken in to account.

5) Planning officers were currently considering the impact of the recent energy from waste applications.

6) It was not expected that the additional municipal waste from new housing development would be unmanageable.

7) He explained how the Stakeholder Forums had been put together and that whilst not intended to be fully representational did attempt to give a cross section of interst groups. It had not met since 2007 and the intention in future was to meet with individual interest sectors.


During discussion Councillor Mathew suggested that Oxfordshire County Council should be more proactive in terms of the review of the aggregate mineral supply policy paragraph 17 of the report).


The Chairman asked that all Committee members receive a response from officers if any further questions were received by email.


RESOLVED:   to note the contents of the report.