Issue - meetings

Oxfordshire Voluntary and Community Sector Strategy

Meeting: 19/07/2022 - Cabinet (Item 103)

103 Oxfordshire Voluntary and Community Sector Strategy pdf icon PDF 385 KB

Cabinet Member: Public Health & Equality

Forward Plan Ref: 2022/025

Contact: Emily Schofield, Acting Head of Strategy Tel: 07881 311707 / Karina Russell, Senior Policy Officer Tel: 07917 921511


Report by Acting Head of Strategy (CA15).


To seek approval for the draft Oxfordshire Voluntary and Community Sector Strategy.


Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to approve the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) Strategy for 2022 – 2027.

Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed



Cabinet had before it a report on the proposed five year Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) strategy to set out the Council’s commitment to support a sustainable sector, through co-production with the VCS, district and city council colleagues and Oxfordshire County Councillors.


Councillor Mark Lygo, Cabinet Member for Public Health & Equality, introduced the report.  The pandemic had led to collaboration with the voluntary and community sector on a scale never seen before.  There was considerable ambition now to retain that new culture to drive efficiency, flexibility and responsiveness.  A steering group will include ten VCS organisations and the district and city councils.


Councillor Lygo noted that while the consultation on the strategy showed 90% support for the priorities, some aspects were challenged and those comments, along with the views of the People Overview & Scrutiny Committee will be taken on board as this will be a flexible strategy.


Cabinet Members commented as follows:


·       Newly appointed youth workers were already examining what was happening in the VCS sector to ensure that the Council complements that work and a report will be forthcoming on that.

·       Without the support of the VCS adult social care would have been overwhelmed.  They do particularly valuable work keeping people safe in at home.


The recommendation was proposed by Councillor Lygo, seconded by Councillor Hannaby and agreed.


RESOLVED to approve the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) Strategy for 2022 – 2027.