Issue - meetings

Amendments to Proposed Residents Parking Scheme, Cutteslowe Area, Oxford

Meeting: 27/02/2014 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Environment (including Transport) (Item 12)

12 Amendments to Proposed Residents Parking Scheme, Cutteslowe Area, Oxford pdf icon PDF 939 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2013/164

Contact: Jim Daughton, Highways & Transport Service Manager Tel: (01865) 323364


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy – Commercial & Delivery (CMDE6).








Agreed subject to:


·                    inclusion of Park Close in the scheme

·                    12 month review


The Cabinet Member considered (CMDE6) responses to a formal consultation on proposals to amend a residents parking scheme covering the Cutteslowe area.  A previously approved scheme had not been introduced due to changes to Department for Transport rules regarding non-standard signs and therefore consultation had been undertaken on a revised scheme which complied with standard sign rules.


Mr Gittins spoke on behalf of the Park Close Management Committee who had voted unanimously at a recent meeting to be included in the controlled parking zone.  Parking was already being displaced from Harbord Road to the Close and that situation would inevitably deteriorate when further restrictions were introduced.


Councillor Jean Fooks considered the revised scheme an improvement on the original. There was a clear majority in support and although it would be better not to have to introduce restrictions of any kind that was obviously not possible here because of the pressure from commuter parking on the west side of the area and issues such as the introduction of parking charges at Cutteslowe Park. She was not convinced that the late request for the inclusion of David Walter Close reflected the will of the majority of residents living there and supported a review of the scheme after a years operation.


Mr Tole accepted that for various reasons these proposals had been some time in preparation. There had been a strong response to the last consultation and although some areas of concern remained he felt these could be resolved.  He agreed that it was sensible to include Park Close as an offshoot of Templar Road but confirmed that the late request for the inclusion of David Walter Close had been at the request of only one resident so considered that should not be supported.  Various issues could be covered as part of any review.


Councillor Sanders supported a review after one year but felt that should be clearly scheduled so that residents were clear as to what was proposed and when it would happen.


The Cabinet Member agreed to a review of the scheme after one year and accepted officer advice regarding the inclusion of Park Close in the scheme but not David Walter Close. 


Therefore having regard to that, the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above he confirmed his decision as follows:


to approve the revised parking restrictions in the Cutteslowe area as advertised and amended as set out in the report CMDE6 subject to the inclusion of Park Close in the scheme but not David Walter Close.



Cabinet Member for Environment


Date of signing……………………..