Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 12 February 2009



Return to Items for Decision


Division(s): Witney West









Report by Head of Transport




1.                  Oxfordshire County Council Road Safety team has identified several sites in the County which have a relatively high incidence of reported accidents over the last 5 years and which can be addressed by using low cost measures.  Ducklington Lane in Witney is one of those sites.


2.                  On Ducklington Lane there is an existing Toucan crossing which links a bridleway to the residential estates adjacent to Ducklington Road and is regularly used by family groups and cyclists.


3.                  Over the last 5 years there have been an unusually high number of accidents involving pedestrians and vehicles crossing when compared to similar situated Toucan crossings within the County.  A total of 4 injury accidents (2 serious and 2 slight) have been recorded.  All the accidents have involved young children being struck by vehicles failing to stop at the red Toucan signal light.


Proposed Safety Measures


4.                  In order to improve safety for all users of the Toucan crossing it is proposed to raise the crossing by using a flat top road hump feature with ramps at a gradient of 1:20.


5.                  Raising the crossing will make the site more conspicuous to drivers and serve to regulate vehicles speeds approaching the crossing.


6.                  Drawing number OH/D&I/A4/0212 setting out the detail of the scheme is attached at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).

(Annex 2 - download as .doc file)




7.                  Formal consultation was carried out between 17 November 2008 and 7 December 2008 by public notice in the local press, street notices and letters to statutory consultees, interested groups and residents affected along Ducklington Lane.  Full details of the proposals were available to view at County Hall, Oxford and Witney Town Council offices for the duration of the consultation period.


8.                  2 responses have been received both objecting to the proposal.  At the time of writing this report, Witney Town Council had not responded.


9.                  Thames Valley Police have objected stating that the hump is too close to the 30/40 mph terminus and vehicles will be approaching at an appropriate speed.


10.             A resident has objected on the grounds that the proposal was linked to a Lidl proposed development and the crossing should be relocated and that it would cause additional pollution and traffic noise.


Officer Comments


11.             Raising the Toucan crossing will define and emphasise the crossing to those travelling along Ducklington Lane and serve to encourage drivers to adhere to the 30 mph speed limit along this stretch of road.


12.             The proposed changes are on safety grounds and are not related to any local development.  The existing location serves the local desire line and raising the crossing should have no discernable impact on noise or pollution.


How the project supports LTP2 Objectives


13.             The proposed raising of the Toucan crossing is to provide safety improvements for all road users.


14.             Maintain the accessibility of footway/cycleway that links to the residential estates and bridleway adjacent to Ducklington Lane.


Financial Implications (Including Revenue)


15.             The cost estimate for the raising of the Toucan crossing is within the £24,000 budget.  The scheme is programmed to be implemented in 2009/10.




16.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to approve the raising of the Toucan crossing on Ducklington Lane, Witney as shown on drawing number OH/D&I/a4/0212.



Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:            Consultation Documentation.


Contact Officer:                     Ralph Green, Telephone: 01865 815816


9 January 2009


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