Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 12 February 2009



Return to Items for Decision


Division(s): Abingdon North, Abingdon East, Abingdon West








Report by Head of Transport




1.                  This report seeks approval to change the current design and extent of the High Street Phase 2 works, which form the final element of the Abingdon Integrated Transport Strategy (AbITS) town centre scheme and include the introduction of a contra-flow cycle lane on East Saint Helen Street and a 20mph zone for the town centre. The scheme set out in drawing 2523/A3260 (Annex 1) (download as .doc file) was approved by the Executive on 3 November 2004.

(Annex 2 - download as .doc file)




2.                  In 2006 the first phase of the town centre scheme was implemented, which included the installation of traffic lights at both ends of Stratton Way and  traffic signals on Bridge Street for northbound traffic. Phase 1 also included the construction of a well designed bus waiting facility on Stratton Way. Stratton Way became two-way working in October 2006.


3.                  The second phase of the town centre scheme was planned to be the environmental improvements to Stert Street and High Street. This would see both streets narrowed to a single carriageway, footways widened where possible and the introduction of off-carriageway loading bays (and disabled bays on Stert Street). The second phase would also include the introduction of a contra-flow cycle lane on East Saint Helen Street from its junction with Lombard Street to Bridge Street. The final element of the second phase was to introduce a 20mph zone covering Stert Street, High Street, West Saint Helen Street, East Saint Helen Street and the northern end of Bridge Street.


4.                  The AbITS Members Steering Group (MSG) agreed on 22 February 2007 to  implement white lines on High Street and Stert Street to mimic the kerb line as per the design in order to monitor the effect this change would have on traffic flow.


5.                  That white was implemented on the 25 April 2007, on High Street and Stert Street. The white lining on High Street resulted in significant queues and on the 31 May 2007 a section of the lining from the pelican crossing westwards on the High Street was removed and the section returned to two lane working. Stert Street did not experience such problems and on 28 June 2007 members decided to proceed with the Stert Street element, with a decision on the extent of the High Street element to be taken once a review of the town centre had been undertaken.

6.                  Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) were commissioned in April 2008 to review the SCOOT traffic signals, which would then be fed into the wider town centre review. The TRL review suggested a number of changes and additional features to be implemented in the town centre. Officers have felt it inappropriate to undertake the wider review until all of these features are in place. However, a decision on the High Street cannot wait for this review and it is felt that there is enough evidence to determine a way forward without it.


High Street Phase 2 design element


            Current Design


7.                  As set out above the High Street phase two current design still includes the narrowing of the carriageway for its full length. The money to implement this element of the town centre scheme is available for the 2009/10 financial year. Detailed final design needs to be undertaken as soon as possible to ensure that the scheme is implemented within the financial year, or funding will be lost.


8.                  Ideally an Abingdon wide review would have been undertaken and fed into this decision making process. However, as set out in paragraph 6 this has not been possible and waiting for such a review to be completed could mean the money allocated in the Local Transport Plan (LTP) 2 would be lost for this scheme. Therefore, officers propose that the problems experienced, when the white lines were in place to mimic the current design, are sufficient to recommend that the scheme is not implemented as per the current design.


9.                  Oxfordshire County Council has a good working partnership with the Vale of White Horse District Council (Vale) and Abingdon Town Council (ATC). Officers and members have been working together to look at the County Hall area of Abingdon, which is at the eastern end of the High Street. The design of High Street should keep in mind any plans coming forward for the County Hall area.


Proposed changes to the current design


10.             Officers propose that two lanes are kept for the full length of High Street, that kerbs and footways are re-laid and the carriageway resurfaced. Widening of the footway outside the County Hall at the eastern end of the High Street should still proceed to allow ease of pedestrian movement in this area. The carriageway would need to be narrowed at this point but would still allow for two narrow traffic lanes.


11.             One of the reasons for introducing an off-carriageway loading bay in the current design was to try to overcome delays caused by vehicles making deliveries. The proposed changes will no longer be able to accommodate off-carriageway loading and therefore further consideration will need to be given to this. There is the potential to introduce a peak hour loading ban at the western end of High Street where the loading bay would have been implemented with shops in this area using the loading bay on West Saint Helen Street.  This would need further consideration and formal consultation. That consultation could not be carried out until after the Vale have formally consulted on taxi parking, which they should be doing in the near future.


12.             For the reasons set out above we recommend that a reduced scheme be taken forward on the High Street which would not include narrowing of the carriageway to single lane. If the Cabinet Member for Transport agrees, then permission would be sought to move ahead to produce a brief and detailed design for the High Street to ensure the works can be ordered and any consultations required can be carried out and implemented within the 2009/10 financial year.


Proposed split of current funding


13.             Funding for this final element is in the capital programme for the 2009/10 financial year. Officers from OCC, the Vale and ATC have been looking at the County Hall area of Abingdon (eastern end of the High Street). ATC have a successful Heritage Lottery Fund Grant for the County Hall with funding available from April 2010. Given that the County Hall and surrounding footways will impact on the town centre scheme (on both High Street and East Saint Helen Street) officers request that funding be split for the High Street scheme between 2009/10 and 2010/11.


14.             Officers would seek funding for the western end of the High Street (Phase A), from the war memorial to the vehicular entrance to the market place in 2009/10. Phase A would be the larger of the two projects and use the greatest percentage of the capital allocation. The eastern end of High Street (Phase B) from the entrance to the market place to the northern end of Bridge Street, including the contra-flow cycle lane, would be best placed in 2010/11 financial year. By splitting the funding in this way, officers can move ahead with detailed design and implementation of Phase A and continue to work with ATC and the Vale on plans for the County Hall area and implement changes at the same time as the County Hall works. Once detailed design has taken place officers will be in a better position to know the proposed split amounts and can report this back to the programme board.


15.             For the reasons set out above we would seek approval to split the High Street scheme into two phases (A and B) with funding split to reflect those changes with the majority of implementation and capital spend in 2009/10 (Phase A) with Phase B undertaken in 2010/11.


20mph Zone versus a 20mph Limit


16.             The original town centre scheme included the introduction of a 20mph zone on Stert Street, High Street, the northern end of Bridge Street, East Saint Helen Street and West Saint Helen Street. A zone requires entry and exit signs and either vertical or horizontal traffic calming. The original scheme proposed horizontal calming by way of the narrowing of the carriageway. However, if the recommendation to reduce the High Street scheme is agreed there will be no horizontal calming. Therefore, in order to comply with a zone vertical deflection would need to be introduced. This vertical deflection could be speed humps/cushions and/or chicanes. However, if a 20mph limit were to be introduced no vertical deflection would be required but repeater signs would be needed.


17.             The 20mph zone versus 20mph limit was discussed at the last AbITS Members Working Group (MWG) on 17 November 2008 when a plan of the location of additional features was presented (Annex 2 - plan of calming features) and members were asked to give their views on which type they would prefer.


Members’ Views


18.             Annex 3 (download as .doc file) sets out the detail of the three responses received from members of the AbITS MWG. The first asked that vertical measures (speed humps) not be implemented in Abingdon due to their negative impact on road users. The other two comments questioned the need for a 20mph zone or limit. The first of these stated that speeds in the centre of Abingdon were already slow and a reduction in the speed limit could be seen as unnecessary and unwanted by the public. The second related to the impact a 20mph zone/limit would have on air quality. The Vale’s draft Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) states that they see no benefit in a reduction in speed limit and therefore they discount this action in the plan. The Vale are currently consulting on the draft AQAP with comments due by 19 February 2009.


19.             At the AbITS MWG members felt that a 20mph limit would be more suitable for Abingdon than a zone due to the additional vertical deflection that would be required for a zone. Although the limit would need 20mph repeater signs officers confirmed that only 5 of these would be required in addition to the terminal signs. Also current street furniture would be used, where possible, to attach the new signs to reduce street clutter.


Officer views and recommendation for 20mph area of Abingdon town centre


20.             Taking into account the above comments officers agree that implementing vertical calming features into the centre of Abingdon is not appropriate. With regard to implementing a speed limit, even though speeds are low in these areas officers feel this is still appropriate. By introducing a speed reduction traffic should flow more smoothly and take account of the surrounding area. With regard to air quality officers feel that it is more appropriate for a limit to be introduced as this can help reduce the stop start effect associated with a zone. The main aims of the environmental improvements of the town centre scheme are to improve conditions for pedestrians and cyclists within the town centre. If traffic is travelling slowly and smoothly pedestrians will feel safer, especially outside peak hours when vehicle speeds are usually greater. Consultation on a 20mph zone was carried out in 2004 and agreed as part of the town centre scheme by the Executive in 2004. If a limit were to be implemented then another consultation would need to be undertaken to ensure the TRO is correct.


21.             For the reasons set out above we would seek approval for the implementation of a 20mph limit to be included in the first stage of the High Street works (Phase A) in 2009/10 financial year.


Financial and Staff Implications


22.             Staff resources will need to be made available to ensure agreement is obtained and that the brief, detailed design, consultation, order of works and implementation on the ground is undertaken and completed within the 2009/10 financial year. If this isn’t done there is a risk that the project will not be completed on time and funding will be an issue.


23.             Oxfordshire County Council will pay for a like for like scheme. If, as similar to Stert Street an upgrade in materials is requested by the Vale then this upgrade and associated on going maintenance costs would need to be paid for by the Vale. The design process should be undertaken as soon as possible and involve the Vale on type of materials used. Agreement will be sought early on so stock can be ordered in advance. If agreement is not reached at the earliest opportunity in the process then there is a risk that  materials will not be ordered in time and the project could overrun – leading to financial issues. This could also raise legal issues if agreement between the two parties is not reached early on.  A legal agreement may not be signed in time to order the works.


24.             Risk assessments will be undertaken for this project as part of the detailed design process and any uncertainties will be prepared for as far as possible. However, the main risk associated with this project (as explained above) is that the works are not completed on time.




25.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to approve:


(a)               the reduction of the extent of the Abingdon High Street Phase Two scheme and authorise Oxfordshire County Council officers to proceed to the brief and detailed design stage;


(b)              the split of the capital programme money between 2009/10 and 2010/11 financial years, with the majority of works (Phase A) being undertaken in 2009/10;


(c)               the introduction of a 20mph limit to be designed and implemented in 2009/10 financial year as part of Phase A of the scheme.




Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:            Nil


Contact Officer:                     Cathy Browning, Tel: (01865) 810415


February 2009


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