Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 12 February 2009




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Division(s): Oxford Isis







Report by Head of Transport




1.                  This report considers the comments received following the consultation on the proposed junction improvement at Iffley Road and Donnington Bridge Road.


2.                  The consultation included a formal advertisement of proposed ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ restrictions on the corners of Iffley Road, Donnington Bridge Road and Boundary Brook Road.




3.                  A scheme has been developed following a study carried out by the County Council’s consultants, Halcrow, which looked at how the junction could be improved for pedestrians, cyclists and buses, without causing increased congestion at the junction.


4.                  Many options were considered during the study but only one was considered viable to be implemented.  Therefore, only one option was taken forward for further development and then subsequently shown at the public exhibition for comments.


5.                  The proposed scheme incorporates improved pedestrian and cycle facilities at the junction. The traffic signals are proposed to have an improved operation using an intelligent control system which will make the junction more efficient and be able to provide traffic signal priority for buses. All of the worn out signal equipment is also proposed to be replaced with new equipment


6.                  Double yellow lines to prohibit parking are proposed in the interest of road safety. They will reduce danger and facilitate the safe passage of road users and help improve bus movements through the junction.


7.                  The scheme requires a small amount of land shown on Drawing No. D&I/A3/0309 to be obtained from Oxford City Council in order to proceed.  The drawing will be on display at the meeting.  The East Area Parliament on 15 October 2008 indicated that it was supportive of the suggestion to dedicate the land as highway.  Preliminary negotiations have commenced with the City Council to obtain the dedication or to acquire the land using standard acquisition procedures.


8.                  The junction improvement details are shown on Drawing No. D&I/A1/0308/A and the extent of the no waiting restrictions are shown on Drawing No. D&I/A3/0246/A.  The drawings will be displayed on the board for viewing at the meeting.




9.                  For the traffic regulation orders, consultation with statutory consultees and affected frontagers was carried out on both the no waiting restrictions and the scheme details between 13 November 2008 and 16 January 2009.


10.             The notice for the no waiting restrictions was advertised in the local press on 13 November 2008. Notices were posted on site and copies of the plan showing the restrictions sent to local Members, statutory consultees and affected frontagers. A report was also taken to the East Oxford Parliament meeting.


11.             Separate visits were made to the local schools, Larkrise Primary School and St Gregory’s.


12.             In order to seek comments on the general scheme design, a public exhibition was held at Larkrise Primary School on the evenings of 9 and 11 December 2008. 426 letters referring to the exhibition were sent out and a total of 29 members of the public attended the exhibition on the two evenings. Generally those attending were in favour of the scheme, but there were some concerns raised both at the exhibition and in letters and emails.


13.             A total of 28 letters and emails have been received from local residents and organisations. A summary of comments with an officer response, as well as some detailed comments received from two of the cycling groups, are set out at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).  Copies of the comments received are available in the Members’ Resource Centre.


14.             In the light of comments received, some minor amendments to the layout are proposed. One of the changes is that the proposed low walls on the pedestrian islands will be replaced with pedestrian guardrails to better protect and guide children across the junction. Whilst this does not comply with the aims of de-cluttering, it is considered that on balance the large number of children and the relative high speeds of traffic warrant the provision of guardrails here.


15.             A second change to be considered further is the inclusion of a refuge in Boundary Brook Road.  This is subject to an extension of the waiting restrictions shown on Drawing No. D&I/A1/0246/A in order to prevent parking at or near the new crossing point.


16.             Thames Valley Police has raised no objection to these proposals.


How it meets the LTP2 objectives


17.             The project objective is to improve conditions at the junction for pedestrians, cyclists and bus users. This will contribute to the LTP2 objective to reduce congestion by encouraging people to use modes other than the car.


Financial and Staff Implications


18.             The total cost of the scheme is estimated to be £210,000 including cost of land. This will be funded from 2009/10 SCE funding and contributions from signal maintenance.


19.             The design has been carried out by Oxfordshire Highways who will also construct the scheme. There are no staff implications associated with this report.




20.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)               authorise the acquisition of the land required from Oxford City Council as shown on Drawing No. D&I/A3/0309 and referred to in paragraph 18 of this report; and


subject to (a) to:


(b)              approve the scheme as shown on Drawing No. D&I/A1/0308/A, for implementation, subject to the Head of Service being authorised in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport to resolve any concerns or comments resulting from safety audit, should any arise.


(c)               approve the making of The Oxfordshire County Council (Donnington Area, Oxford) (Traffic Management) Consolidation (Variation No.3*) Order 200* and The Oxfordshire County Council (Various Streets East Oxford) (Traffic Regulation) (Variation No.5*) Order 200*, as shown coloured black on Drawing No. D&I/A1/0246/A; and


(d)              authorise the officers to proceed with the preparation of a new Traffic Regulation Order for extending the prohibition of waiting in Boundary Brook Road, as described in this report and shown coloured green on Drawing No. D&I/A1/0246/A.





Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Consultation Documentation

Drawing Nos.             D&I/A3/0309




Contact Officers:                   Peter Evans Tel. 01865 815836

                                                Paul Fermer Tel. 01865 815764

January 2009

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