Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 4 September 2008


Return to Items for Decision


Division(s): West Central








Report by Head of Transport




1.                  This report deals with the proposal to introduce a Traffic Regulation Order prohibiting vehicles with a gross weight exceeding 7.5 tonnes from using the Walton Well Road Railway Brige, Oxford and discusses the outcome of a formal public consultation.




2.                  The Order is being promoted in response to a request from Network Rail to implement a permanent 7.5 tonnes maximum gross vehicle weight restriction on this bridge. This is due to concerns about its structural integrity should larger vehicles continue to pass over it on a regular basis.


3.                  The bridge is located at the western end of Walton Well Road which is a cul-de-sac in the area of Oxford known as Walton Manor. The bridge carries the unclassified road over the main railway line north of Oxford Station. The Railway line is well used with services to Banbury, Bicester, Worcester and the north. However, the road bridge only provides access to the southern end of Port Meadow and some allotment gardens and has a very low traffic flow.




4.                  The Order would prohibit all vehicles (with exemptions only for Emergency Services) with a maximum gross weight of more than 7.5 tonnes from using the section of the road indicated on drawing 320/A3/1000 attached at Annex 1 (download as .pdf file). The extent of the restriction was chosen to give heavy vehicles an opportunity to avoid the restriction without the need to reverse out of a junction into a road with greater traffic significance.


Public Consultation


5.                  The proposals were advertised for public comment between 16 November 2007 and 14 December 2007 with notices published in the Oxford Times and posted on site. Letters were also sent to the two allotment associations and Bossom’s Boat Yard as it was understood that heavy vehicles use the bridge on these organisations behalf. Councillors and other interested bodies were consulted and invited to comment at the same time.


6.                  Sixteen replies were received in response to the advertised proposal. Two of these, including the response from Thames Valley Police made no comment or objection. However the fourteen remaining responses objected to the Order on the grounds that it would prevent heavier vehicles gaining access to sites on the west side of the bridge.


7.                  Ten of the objections concerned Cripley Meadow Allotments. Most of these stated that they need the larger vehicles to deliver various materials, including topsoil, and to take away skips of waste. Without these services they believe the allotments would not be able to function and would fall into disuse. Similar concerns were also voiced concerning the Trap Grounds Allotments.


8.                  Objections were also received from Bossom’s Boat Yard who manage some residential moorings on the east bank of the river on behalf of Oxford City Council. Their main concern, also endorsed by Oxford City Council’s Property and Facilities Management, was their ability to empty an effluent tank associated with the moorings.


9.                  Some suggestions were made for alternatives. These ranged from raising the limit to around 10 tonnes , allowing some kind of exemption or permit scheme for heavy vehicles servicing the various premises, or narrowing the road over the bridge so that only one vehicle could pass over it at a time. Another suggestion was to provide an alternative route along private land if the bridge could not be strengthened.


10.             Copies of all the responses are on deposit in the Members’ Resource Centre.


Next Steps


11.             During the consultation period further information was received from Network Rail concerning the strength assessment of the bridge. The result of this new analysis is that it appears that the weight limit would not be needed if the carriageway across the bridge were narrowed to become a single lane. Further work on a detailed layout is required, which might require some slight modification of the 24-hour parking bay at the eastern end of the bridge, but there is confidence that a suitable low-cost design can be achieved and thus avoid the need for the weight limit. This change in layout will also provide widened footways giving access to the Port Meadow area.




12.             The objections to the proposed weight limit have shown that there is a small but significant demand for heavy vehicles to cross the Walton Well Bridge. It now seems that an alternative to a weight limit can be developed. If that is not possible then the nature of the objections would require a Public Inquiry to be held to resolve them. It is therefore proposed that a decision on continuing with the draft Order be deferred until it has been established that a suitable road layout can be achieved.



How the Project Supports LTP2 Objectives


13.             These proposals are in line with the LTP objective of Improving the Street Environment


Financial Implications0 (including Revenue)


14.             The costs of the proposed carriageway alterations, or the Traffic Regulation Order if that is required, will be met by a contribution from Network Rail




The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to defer a decision on the Oxfordshire County Council (Walton Well Road Railway Bridge, Oxford) (Weight Restriction) Order 200* pending an investigation into the feasibility of reducing the carriageway over the bridge to single lane.





Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Letters and E Mails Received as Part of the Formal Consultation.


Contact Officer:                     Stephen Axtell, Tel 01865 815967


August 2008


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